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[其他] Avengers 2 < Avengers: Age of Ultron >

發表於 27-5-2013 23:07:40 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 17-6-2013 17:55:25 | 顯示全部樓層
Loki Won't Be in THE AVENGERS 2

Director Joss Whedon surprisingly revealed that Tom Hiddleston's Loki won't be returning for The Avengers 2 during a podcast on Empire. When talking about the film, this is what he had to say,

Everyone is going to be looking for the Loki-Hulk smash moment and you'll be looking for [a quim moment]. First of all, imitating what I did before is the surest way to do it not as well. Second of all, Loki's not there to say those terrible things. Although I do think we should bring the word back, not as an insult, it's just a nice word

It seems a little weird knowing that we won't be seeing Looking in the sequel, but if he doesn't need to be a part of the story, then so be it. Whedon knows what he's doing, he's got a plan, Marvel seems to be rolling with it, and I'm excited to see what's in store for the Earth's Mightiest Heroes this next time around

Whedon also discussed the script, working with Marvel, as well as some more about Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. There's nothing too major, just some stuff we've already heard him say before, but here ya go.

I've turned in a first draft, the story is very set, everybody [at Marvel's] on board with the exact movie I'm trying to make which is what worked the first time.... I said 'I want to make this movie, a Marvel version of this movie' and they said 'Yay' and never looked back. Well they [actually] said 'Maybe the tone' or 'Maybe this structure' but once we had it, we had it, and I feel like we're there with [Avengers 2] which is really important.

There's still 'very fine tuning' to do on the script. There are many thing that can be 'plussed' (sic) and be better and also, there's some science in it, which means I have scenes where someone says 'Science the sciency science'. So I'm like 'I'll fix that later.'

When asked about Quicksilver he said,

He's in our movie and he's going to be dope.... Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, very close to my heart because they were Avengers the whole time I was reading the book as a kid. Oh, and sometimes they were evil, but sometimes they were good. They're very textured, they're very different from everybody else in the mix. They're not there to make things easier on The Avengers but what we do with the group once we've got them is squeeze. The fun I'm having doing that is probably unseemly
發表於 17-6-2013 18:11:32 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 17# Justin佑

唔係,銀魔係Silver Surfer,Quicksilver係Magneto個仔,係一個mutant,能力係飛快的速度,近似於DC的The Flash

發表於 21-6-2013 02:16:36 | 顯示全部樓層
Robert Downey Jr. Officially Signs on For THE AVENGERS 2 and 3


“I am Iron Man.”
Tony Stark’s famous closing line to the very first Iron Man film takes on new life today as Marvel is pleased to announce the signing of Robert Downey, Jr. to reprise the role of the “billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist.”
Under the two-picture agreement, Downey will star as Tony Stark/Iron Man in “Marvel’s The Avengers 2” and “Marvel’s The Avengers 3.” Downey is represented at CAA by Bryan Lourd, Jim Toth and Matt Leaf and by his attorneys Tom Hansen and Stewart Brookman of the firm Hansen Jacobson.
Downey, Jr.’s last two Marvel films, 2012’s “Marvel’s The Avengers” and this year’s “Iron Man 3,” rank as two of the top five grossing films of all time, collectively earning over $2.7 billion worldwide to date.
“Marvel’s The Avengers 2” is being written and directed by Joss Whedon. Featuring favorites from the first Avengers film and new Marvel characters never before seen on the big screen, “Marvel’s The Avengers 2” is slated to begin production in March 2014 and open in theaters May 1, 2015.
Thrilled by this mega announcement, Marvelites? Well, be sure you stay glued to because in the coming days and weeks and months, will be FIRST in the world to reveal additional casting updates, new characters coming to Marvel movies and so much more -- directly from the most secret meetings at Marvel! You wouldn't want to miss out on that now, would you?!

More on
發表於 21-6-2013 14:45:45 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Justin佑

唔係,銀魔係Silver Surfer,Quicksilver係Magneto個仔,係一個mutant,能力係飛快的速 ...
天涯孤客 發表於 17-6-2013 06:11 PM

近似於DC的The Flash,,,真係想睇佢2個比
不過聽講好似係the flash win
發表於 25-6-2013 10:48:42 | 顯示全部樓層
Fan Art

發表於 25-6-2013 18:01:32 | 顯示全部樓層
Wasp's so SEXY!!!
發表於 25-6-2013 22:07:46 | 顯示全部樓層
nice ~~ {:1_197:}
發表於 28-6-2013 10:54:36 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 21-7-2013 10:34:43 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 21-7-2013 12:42:22 | 顯示全部樓層
stonekeung01 發表於 21-7-2013 10:34 AM

發表於 21-7-2013 13:53:56 | 顯示全部樓層
chshting 發表於 21-7-2013 12:42 PM

發表於 21-7-2013 20:19:37 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 28# 月心

同意.... 連ANTMAN都未有就整ULTRON出黎...
出左Guardians of the Galaxy 唔接住落THANOS會唔會太奇怪!?
發表於 22-7-2013 08:14:46 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 29# charice1219

    現時antman話會6 November 2015出
但Avengers 2係summer出,所以唯一解決方法係將antman上映時間推前
之後再放antman落Avengers 2,當然Avengers 2出左antman再當之後套電影係起原又得
發表於 22-7-2013 10:45:43 | 顯示全部樓層
fm facebook news

Joss Whedon 為我們解答了不少《The Avengers: Age of Ultron》的問題。

Joss 表示這故事為原創故事,Ultron 將會有其全新的起源故事,並不會與Hank Pym 連上任何關係,所以他亦不會出現於故事中。這概念完全是在於Jo
ss 希望故事可以更融合於現時所塑造出的復仇者世界之中。

於美國之中,而是一個世界性的問題。Joss 亦表示這次於寫角色上更加之有趣,因他指出上集於寫Hawkey
e 這角色時,於故事中他很早就被壞人操縱了。於續集中,Hawke
ye 終於有機會可以與其他角色互動。

這亦同時確定了Hawkeye 於續集中將會回歸,早前不少報導指出Hawkeye 這角色很可能會被刪去,而且他於暫時Phase II 系列的個人電影中也沒有出場機會,絕對是較為被忽略的角色。

《Captain America: The Winter Soldier》將會是Phase II 系列之中最為重要的一部電影,因本電影為連繫《The Avengers》至《The Avengers: Age of Ultron》中最重要一環。

兄弟組合導演Joe & Anthony Russo 表示:

"《Cap A: TWS》與《The Avengers》的結尾具有很強的連繫,直接影響到今集的故事
發展。而今集的結尾亦對《Age of Ultron》具有重大影響。絕對是連繫Phase II 系列電影之中最重要的橋樑,單是本電影就已經是包括了最多復仇者
(Black Widow, Cap A & Falcon), 而於電影的結尾整個世界也具很大轉變。"
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