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樓主: stonekeung01


發表於 22-5-2014 10:16:57 | 顯示全部樓層
呢套唔會有scarlet witch. 其實有時覺得d角色有少少為出而出咁, 太多人好易會亂~~ XD
jeffloh 發表於 22-5-2014 10:11 AM

發表於 22-5-2014 15:37:34 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ChrisLamXYZ 於 22-5-2014 03:41 PM 編輯

回復 91# quincy

    入咗場睇先定論:p Jean死咗都出現番:71:

其實講Past同Future, 就會牽涉change:DD 不過可能睇完會覺兒戲D但現實有時唔係樣樣複雜先正常!一個想法一個改變~所有
發表於 22-5-2014 16:23:54 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  quincy

    入咗場睇先定論 Jean死咗都出現番

其實講Past同Future, 就會 ...
ChrisLamXYZ 發表於 22-5-2014 03:37 PM

其實可以無視X-men 1-3的事, 因為狼人去返"過去"之後所發生的事都已經變了另一個time line了, 因此死o左的可以"復活", 同樣未死的可能會出事~ XD
發表於 22-5-2014 16:43:28 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 93# jeffloh

    都可以咁講,今集當洗帶; 最後只有少數人記得:DD……再講變劇透^^唔知last砌石塔果個係男人定女人?係咪Xmen版的Scarlet Witch ? 但佢擁有駕馭物件的能力,好似比磁力王更強; 仲有好多士兵……

發表於 22-5-2014 19:33:15 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  jeffloh

    都可以咁講,今集當洗帶; 最後只有少數人記得……再講變劇透^^唔知last砌石塔果 ...
ChrisLamXYZ 發表於 22-5-2014 04:43 PM

發表於 26-5-2014 19:12:22 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 26-5-2014 19:33:32 | 顯示全部樓層

但故事的確有心思而貫徹人物性格,平均水準都高,年青professor x的發揮都好好。
發表於 26-5-2014 21:47:49 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Firewalker27 於 26-5-2014 09:49 PM 編輯

我都係今日睇, 只要大家將"狼人前傳"呢套戲忘記去睇, 就會睇得好順. (套戲有太多bugs, 唔會夾到x-men 1-3, The First Class 及The Wolverine)
我覺得professor xavier後生版同mystique做得好好. 反而磁力王今次好似無咁多發揮.
未來既"搜敵龍"太屈機. 不過咁先帶出到個嚴重性. 由於有太多人出場, 所以今集我覺得算控制得唔錯.
發表於 26-5-2014 23:00:58 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 94# ChrisLamXYZ
發表於 26-5-2014 23:18:27 | 顯示全部樓層
I enjoy this new movie.
But I just don't understand why they have to let QuickSilver go so soon.. he is so powerful, should be helping them all the way. Why bother to save young Magneto from prison, he only make matter worst...

Also I think they make the Sentinel (future version) is too powerful... killing Xmen are too easy for them.
發表於 27-5-2014 01:20:29 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Called_Wind 於 27-5-2014 11:20 AM 編輯
I enjoy this new movie.
But I just don't understand why they have to let QuickSilver go so soon..  ...
Macross長谷有洋 發表於 26-5-2014 11:18 PM

   As u mentioned about those future version Sentinels, I think they look ugly and look so much alike the Destoryer in Thor. However, I have to admit that, they are too powerful, and they sure gave the audiences the impression that they are effective and scary weapons..... I could still remember how they rip Colossus apart and break Iceman.....that really made me feel uncomfortable even I didn't see a drop of blood......
發表於 27-5-2014 11:01:40 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 100# Macross長谷有洋

Quicksilver is Wolverine's acquaintance at best so they probably will not ask him to risk his life for their war.
The future Sentinels are made to be so powerful to build a sense of desperation in the future to act as a plot device for them to change the future. I think it worked well.
發表於 27-5-2014 11:05:50 | 顯示全部樓層
好睇,將x-men reboot 一次,期待下集重新開始。
發表於 27-5-2014 13:29:29 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Macross長谷有洋

Quicksilver is Wolverine's acquaintance at best so they probably will not  ...
Assassin 發表於 26-5-2014 07:01 PM

I understand Sentinels needs to be very powerful, they want us to feel the desperation from the Xmen team.
But those Sentinels are ways too powerful, that I can't believe mutants can last for more than months! And they have survived for years?! How?:36:
Well, just a movie after all. :78:
發表於 27-5-2014 14:05:25 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Firewalker27 於 27-5-2014 02:09 PM 編輯

回復 101# Called_Wind
我非常認同大大既觀點. 呢d就係有質素導演加上編劇好先有咁既效果. 有時唔使打打殺殺出晒血都可以有一種屠殺/滅族既感覺, 呢d咪係大師級作品.
由開場個段戰鬥已覺得壓迫感好大, 到最後見到colossus被分屍, blink被插死, ice man被扭斷頸再踩爆頭. 真係覺得好殘忍.
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