本帖最後由 davehammer 於 6-10-2012 05:50 PM 編輯
Seriously, nobody else thinks this Bruce Wayne headsculpt is total garbage?
I was really looking forward to this figure and it was going to be my first Nolan trilogy HT Batman
but I was devastated at how sub-quality the head turned out when I saw the production product's photos
I could see strong Christian Bale likeness in the prototype HS and I think I speak for a lot of other people who were sold on that awesome headsculpt alone.
While I understand the final production products could never be as good as the prototype, considering those were sculpted by the talented Korean artists themselves and what we get comes rolling off some assembly line in China. They could at least take the time and effort to make sure the product is somewhat close to what they promised before pushing it out the door. This figure was on pre-order in July and it launched in October? 3 freaken months? come on Hot Toys, this was obviously not ready for release
This is unacceptable, HT has really gone to shit. Coming from a long time fan, I've completely lost faith in them and I think I'm done collecting their stuff.
Don't get me started on the missing Mark 1 nameplate stand and that 1 LED Batman rifle...
Done ranting, sorry I might have lost some people but my Chinese is no good