本帖最後由 無明: 於 2-10-2012 04:08 PM 編輯
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Alien 3的異形好似是叫 Dog Alien, 而不是Alien Dog。 片中的事發地點是一所監獄, 好似沒 ...
大姐姐 發表於 2-10-2012 03:09 PM 
Yes, u are right! Dog Alien!
May Be I watched the Directors cut version.:78:
Question: In the scene where Ripley is describing the new Alien, she says it 'moves different to the other ones'. I could never get a good enough look at the alien to understand what she meant. What did she mean and why does it move differently? Answer: She means that the alien it moves on 4 legs, whereas the other aliens moved primarily on two legs. This alien came out of a dog in the theatrical version and from a cow in the Directors cut version, which can only move on 4 legs. This hints to the fact that the alien inherits the characteristics of its host. [/url]
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