"Authorized to copy by ThreeA Toys Company and source is from 3A Newsletter"

Welcome to the the first 3AVOX newsletter of volume three, 3AVOX is a weekly posting that will keep you up to date on all 3A related news and info !
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I'm going to keep VOX pretty informal, a way for me pass on what we are up to at 3A, show some exclusive images, highlight cool photos from you guys and anything else we think you guys will dig. They will come out when they do, a surprise newsletter! I'm sure you guys would rather I be painting and designing stuff not fiddling around with HTML newsletter stuff too often!
So whats going on at 3A, well this week see the sale of KDA Slim Body TK on the 29th-9-00am at G3A. It's a nifty set for a few reasons, its the first TK with realistic 1/6th sneakers and it comes with a 1:1 T-Shirt and TK Poster. KDA is basically TKYO's minder, from Mortis assassination attempts to overly zealous fans, KDA is there to make it easy going for TKYO!
Then there is the Charkin sale on the 1st, premade so there isn't an insane wait like the Zombkin, I wanted to do a Ween figure that actually comes out for Halloween! I know some will miss out, or maybe not, but it doesnt work to do it any other way. And no, before some say, its doesnt take away from any toy being made that is pre-ordered, as they are planned ahead and fitted in so no delays occur due to its production! The story for Charkin goes like this-When the Robots start their pre-invasion they are savvy to any potential opposition and do some pre hits on these targets etc. Zombkins lovely turgid patch got torched by the Finger Gang and the general consensus was Zombkin was 拂ed and posed no threat. But from the fetid ashes arose Charkin to execute his revenge on the invading robots....
Mmm what else, oh yea 3AGO. My favorite toy company of all time is MEGO, I loved there 8" figures as a young lad and to this day still hunt them down! Just because its fun, we here at 3A will release a special series of 8" 3AGO figures hopefully before the year is out!

I'm told MGS REX ship this month I'm told, cant wait to see what you guys do with it in regards to photos!

I get asked on a regular basis- why do 3A, with your art, books and movie stuff your time is thin and you don't need to do it. Well the main reason, its too cool not too, I love seeing my ideas made into solid forms, I feel very lucky to have this opportunity and do not intend to waste it!
And please remember I'm not ThreeA, well im the A part but the Three is made up of many great people who are tireless in there work for 3A, so I want to highlight the hardwork of ThreeZero, Benny Fok, Siu Yin, Gimbat, Darius, Brent, Tommy, basically the whole Kowloon office and Hatchery who really do the hard work and make sure you guys get the best toys we can make! I think they are overlooked too often and its not right! Thanks guys!
Ill not be putting shipping dates in VOX as they are covered in many places and my info is sometimes out of date here.

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As always, a big thanks to the 3A legion !
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All Text, photos and any contents' copyrights was owned by ThreeA Trading Company |