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樓主: Avextro

[分享討論] 靈感一觸 真紅傳說の 撒加

發表於 18-1-2012 02:11:22 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 28# 香港人
 樓主| 發表於 18-1-2012 02:12:59 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 27# 香港人

發表於 18-1-2012 02:25:02 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  香港人
ok!!!!! 發表於 18-1-2012 02:11 AM
撒卡的情況是引爆體內的小宇宙成BIG BANG狀態所以有火...
不過最大分別係亢龍霸飛上外太空, 撒卡那一招最後就跌回地面...所以我話似碎擊拳多d啫~~!!!
發表於 18-1-2012 02:29:31 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  香港人

    唔止係咁呱?LC山羊打得好型喎。仲有巨㙰伸咗死神塊面嗰拳都係新 ...
Avextro 發表於 18-1-2012 02:12 AM
手代木係好多場口都有向原作致敬, 山羊打的對手令佢斷臂, 原著十二宮, 紫龍亦令修羅斷手...
原著星矢於極樂世界多次進攻後擦傷了睡神的面, LC只是換了黃金做這個動作...
唔係話LC唔夠創新, 風格都華麗d, 不過手代木就係做唔到車田那股熱血...
 樓主| 發表於 18-1-2012 19:11:54 | 顯示全部樓層
手代木係好多場口都有向原作致敬, 山羊打的對手令佢斷臂, 原著十二宮, 紫龍亦令修羅斷手...
原著星矢於極樂 ...
香港人 發表於 18-1-2012 02:29 AM

No worries. This is a place where we all express our ideas to something we like in common.!!

I agreed with you and also this is something that I forgot to say before. I like LC but there is also a down side, almost ignoring which is there are so many elements from  story line of the old anime bloody repeated in LC!!!! I mean WTF??!!:blame:

Why LC Capricorn must lose his arm???
Why its always pandora trigger the box?? etc....etc..

It would be great and fresh if there wasn't and isn't anything that we have seen before. This is almost like a brand new chapter, not always necessary to repeat the same people doing the same thing even in 243 years ago.

if that's the case, those saint and Shion before he was murdered and Libra are so bloody idoits. They didn't improve their strategy to defeat Hades and let the same mistakes happen again!!!

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