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[個人收藏] 90年代自改造的3款Spiderman Figure

發表於 6-1-2012 03:04:40 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
94年自已改造0既3款不同Spiderman,因當年收集得好熱烈,而有D款佢又未出(又唔知出唔出),而我果時超鍾意Spiderman,由其係Scarlet Spider,0岩0岩當時Spiderman複制人呢段故事正如火如荼,直到Peter以為自已係複制人而想比番個新份Ben,自已同Mary Jane離開由Ben代替做Spiderman著上新Spiderman制服,我直情想佢即制出Figure,但當時Toybiz習慣0甘新0既角色而動畫又未出場,要等真係有牌,所以一向無改造Figure 0既經驗同習價0既我急不及待要改造呢3款spiderman 0黎擁有佢,而我目標係希望做到好似Toybiz出0既一樣,果時改完仲放左嚮D舖頭比佢Display,好多人仲以為遲D Toybiz會出,都真係幾開心,我揀左多關節body改造呢3款,因當時呢款原裝版Spiderman Figure係最高可動!下面0既相係以前用135機影左再晒出0黎,所以呢幾幅係scan,可能差D,大家唔好介意!


分別係 左New Costume Spiderman(Ben),中Scarlet Spider(Ben), 右Black Costume Spiderman(Peter),其實Black Costume Spiderman當時係有出Figure,但出得唔太靚同唔係多關節,所改埋,一套0甘齊齊整整

4大Spiderman合照,呢3款就係由最右邊呢隻original Spiderman改造出0黎
發表於 6-1-2012 03:13:09 | 顯示全部樓層
not bad wo......
發表於 6-1-2012 03:17:36 | 顯示全部樓層
nice work~!! ching!!:71:
發表於 6-1-2012 11:46:29 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 6-1-2012 15:09:35 | 顯示全部樓層
great works! the 3 look authentic, they don't look like
custom at all. did you remold them or repaint them?
because the color looks mold-in especially for the
scarlet spidey. and the spider decal is well done too.
i like it very very much, it matches the normal spidey
 樓主| 發表於 6-1-2012 15:28:59 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 5# flash
Thanks for your comments,有用畢地整左Scarlet Spider條領,雞翼袖,同腰帶,搵其他Marvel配件整手腕發射器及腳眼袋仔, Scarlet Spider同Black Costume Spiderman成隻噴過油,而 New Costume Spiderman就部份用原有色,局部噴油
發表於 6-1-2012 15:45:51 | 顯示全部樓層
oh, the scarlet and black are both fully painted??
they look so natural, and it doesn't look like they
have paint chip on joints. what kind of paint did
you use brother? did you put primer before paint
as well?
發表於 6-1-2012 15:49:01 | 顯示全部樓層
顏色好自然,很不像改造品呢!!! ^ ^
 樓主| 發表於 6-1-2012 17:43:58 | 顯示全部樓層
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