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樓主: samsung

[分享討論] 出完真三一 一號機,不如估下二號三號既價錢

發表於 16-6-2011 15:09:39 | 顯示全部樓層
唔通定價真係set 九萬羊咩...  炒價市場升,又唔入生產商個袋既。


發表於 16-6-2011 15:12:51 | 顯示全部樓層
樓主, 佐滕老師已經離開了我們啦~ 要佐滕老師的手筆是沒可能的了....
不過幫你撐一下啦.....世事無奇 ...
ToyKnife 發表於 16-6-2011 15:06

而家真三一一號已經係34xxx yen 即係代表二同三號都係咁上下價錢

但我個人覺得三號會貴d....因為真三號個body 成部鏟車咁款.....仲要好多飛彈位....如果老例ex的做法,三號唔知會唔會跟什麼特典....我諗三號會38000yen 左右...

不過一號都拖左2年....2、3未有圖 未有模.....一隻等三年.....要齊人等到2016啦!!!
發表於 16-6-2011 15:31:31 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 16-6-2011 16:51:13 | 顯示全部樓層
而家真三一一號已經係34xxx yen 即係代表二同三號都 ...
BlackD 發表於 16-6-2011 03:12 PM

Agree x 3.
1) Understood and that's why I wonder the "normal price" at HK should be ~$3000.
2) Shin Getter 3.....Hahahaaa, right, it is a tank!! I think its size should be twice of S. Getter 1. However, about 特典, 我記得特典係跟3號出, 但唔係跟3號買, 之前係要一次過訂三隻才在3號出時跟特典, 對嗎? Correct me if I am wrong. :64: So I think 3號 should also close to HKD$3000. (official)
3) 2016...hope for the best la.....:26:
發表於 16-6-2011 19:12:18 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 16-6-2011 19:21:50 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 16-6-2011 21:27:42 | 顯示全部樓層
唔通定價真係set 九萬羊咩...  炒價市場升,又唔入生產商個袋既。

佢地都可能會加,但都應該逐少逐少加既 ...
呂品器 發表於 16-6-2011 03:09 PM

good ar~~~:)
發表於 16-6-2011 22:28:12 | 顯示全部樓層
good ar~~~
高機動型黑百合 發表於 16-6-2011 09:27 PM

發表於 16-6-2011 23:04:48 | 顯示全部樓層
iamfinethankuuu 發表於 16-6-2011 10:28 PM

but don't want"sky price"...:(
發表於 17-6-2011 01:58:47 | 顯示全部樓層
好老實, 出先算啦,今次都係因為佐籐老師仲有張草犒係度先出到.
發表於 17-6-2011 02:44:31 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 GPMG 於 17-6-2011 02:47 AM 編輯

回復 22# 高機動型黑百合

i personally dont think there will be a reissue of black getter 1 ..... if you purchase fewture EX gokin product for sometimes you will know that they produce according to order and all are limited item ...... same like getter 1 , 2 and 3 they did not reproduce the samething and came out as another "new" product as repaint getter 1 , 2 and 3. More ever black getter is a joint limited item for a magazine .......

whereas for shin getter , the respone is so great .... i believe they will come out a repaint version ..... since the designer pass away ..... jap will make full use the deisinger desgin to generate more $$ .......

i hope they came out a metallic red/black  shin getter with a better reinforce bat wing ..... if they came out black metallic shin getter i hope they will out line the bat wing with matellic red ...... red and black always goes well with one another ....

just only a prediction form of any reliable source .......

By the way anyone can upload picture of shin getter 2 and shin getter 3 ? Are they of any difference from normal getter 2 and getter 3 ?
發表於 17-6-2011 11:26:40 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 17-6-2011 12:41:08 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  高機動型黑百合

i personally dont think there will be a reissue of black getter 1 ..... if  ...
GPMG 發表於 17-6-2011 02:44

將而家黑三一的紫邊改做 藍 色...已經可以再出repaint 了....
發表於 17-6-2011 13:06:15 | 顯示全部樓層
如果真三一 3號機出,我諗個價會倍增喎
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