發表於 10-1-2011 08:01:38
本帖最後由 Panzer 於 10-1-2011 08:08 AM 編輯
二三十年前我地鍾意睇日本嘢嘅人,簡直被視為漢奸,所以 ...
Tasuku 發表於 6-1-2011 07:51 AM 
I think no need to be angry, if you understand those gone through the war, they cannot change their preception.
And you are right, if they concern about a small movie, they should stand against the increasing building up of attack power in the JDF.
On the current Star Trek, it is 100 times more Amercian ego in the star fleet organisation. However, if you look back to the 1967 version, seldom did the TV show discuss on miltary issue, but rather they focused on the social problems (racial discrimination) and human values (interfering of other cultures).
quote:二三十年前我地鍾意睇日本嘢嘅人,簡直被視為漢奸, same feeling!:DD |