Jabba爲Varl,Nal Hutta星Hutt人。Hutt人是圓軲轆的腹足綱軟體動物,肥滑的手指深涉於遍佈銀河系的種種罪惡勾當。他們有權有勢,控制着在外環星系等地星球的全部貿易。這個噁心種族的傑出代表便是Jabba the Hutt,他坐鎮Tatooine陰暗潮濕的宮殿,向外發號施令。Hutt人體長約3米,一身的厚皮油膩不堪,上身長著一對發育不良的短手。他們嘴巴寬大,小眼睛或紅或黃。
Wal-Mart Exclusive Jabba? Congrats. Looks really nice! Are you going to build the whole scenario? I've seen a lot of diorama of Jabba Palace and this looks great with them.
I skipped the old one a long time ago, maybe I will need to ask if my friend see any.
I think Ephant Mon is one of the best 3.75. I don't collect many aliens but that one is a must have!