潔白紙巾 發表於 16-6-2014 04:43 PM 
Capcom today revealed the release dates for Ultra Street Fighter IV. The game will come to PS3 on the 3rd of June, with the Xbox 360 version hitting June 4.
The June release dates are for the digital upgrade versions of the game, meaning only those who already own either Super Street Fighter IV or Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition will be able to download Ultra Street Fighter IV. The price for the digital upgrade version is $15 USD.
Interestingly, one of the qualifying titles for Xbox's Games with Gold promotion in June is Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition.
Ultra Street Fighter IV - Opening Cinematic
Full versions of the game, both digital and retail, will be available on August 5th for both Xbox 360 and PS3, each for $40 USD. The PC version of the full game will be available on August 8th in the Steam store for $30 USD. The digital upgrade for PC will be available on the same date for $15.
Capcom is offering a pre-order bonus to players who pre-order any version of Ultra Street Fighter IV. Gamers who pre-order "at participating retailers" will get alternate costumes for the five new characters in this version. The five new characters are Poison, Hugo, Elena, Rolento and Decapre.
Additionally, gamers buying the full version of Ultra Street Fighter IV will receive all previously released costumes for the series, according to Capcom, "making this the definitive version of Street Fighter IV." |