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樓主: maxy2k

[分享討論] 大家覺得hottoyz 仲會唔會出avatar?

發表於 28-6-2011 06:26:10 | 顯示全部樓層
just my opinion

my friend run a toy/comic company oversea and gives me this idea why HT has not been released a lot of there licence product

The licence usually run for 3 years, so if they haven't renew it yet, the chance will be very slim, another reason of not releasing all the products they've anounced because they don't want any other company to make a popular title to hurt the sales of there other line.

so it seems the chance of having those figures release is getting slimer everyday......
發表於 28-6-2011 06:34:58 | 顯示全部樓層
just my opinion

my friend run a toy/comic company oversea and gives me this idea why HT has not been released a lot of there licence product

The licence usually run for 3 years, so if they haven't renew it yet, the chance will be very slim, another reason of not releasing all the products they've anounced because they don't want any other company to make a popular title to hurt the sales of there other line.

so it seems the chance of having those figures release is getting slimer everyday......
發表於 28-6-2011 10:01:32 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 2# ckwan

好似係占士金馬倫  求  HT  出wow(求了幾次)  , 我估唔駛版權費, 應該係對分
發表於 28-6-2011 10:13:04 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Gretzky99 於 28-6-2011 10:20 AM 編輯

如果我的估計沒有錯, 問題出在包膠 body 上

我第一次看到 sample, 我已經問自己這個問題 : 如此又高又瘦的包膠 body 如何活動? 生產難度超高!! :80:

看看 HT 是如何解決這個問題將會是非常有趣......:76:
發表於 28-6-2011 10:34:54 | 顯示全部樓層
到火都過左, 等第二集再算
發表於 28-6-2011 10:42:50 | 顯示全部樓層
我都覺得HT依家有市場領導地位,傾 license 應該好易,有冇生產價值都攞咗先算,以免被對手有機可乘,將來一些大熱作變成要高價爭奪。
發表於 28-6-2011 11:41:19 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 fatestay 於 28-6-2011 11:42 AM 編輯

[quote]如果要出個位壞蛋將軍, 藍色人會近16". 肯定係

照e+ ht手法,分分鐘仲會加埋條龍比佢騎.
發表於 28-6-2011 12:49:44 | 顯示全部樓層
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