終於有時間發帖了~~~~~~~~~ 各位朋友, 我還未退出玩具界的~~~~~~~~ :34: :34: :34:
玩評很多人寫了, 我只作小小個人感想吧!
QC 只屬合格, 仍是揀了 N 盒才找到這三個像相一點的.............. :(
另外, 有關 Auto Vajin........... 買吧! 有買貴, 冇買錯 !!

Faiz - Axel Form

Faiz - Blaster Form

Auto Vajin

p.s. This is my forst time to use Picasa for web-album. :)
Next Sharing...............
SIC Kiva Emperor Form, DX Zeong, RAH Wingman, SIC Wingman, Arche Gundam, Zeongraphy Black Tri-Star Set, Gadeza with Booster Set, SHF Kuuga Amazing Mighty Form, Revotech ARX-7 and EVA-00, Volks Muv Luv F-22 and 不知火, Transformer Mirage, DG Gundam Unicorn.................. :no: :no: :no:
