發表於 22-12-2009 20:12:13
經過幾個Email 聯絡之後, 我將係 TD 遇到o既問題表達o左比Flickr Customer Care 知, 得到呢個回覆, 都幾大路, 我亦都跟過佢個方法係TD出圖, 結果都係出唔到. 如果TD 無事, Flickr 又話唔關佢事, 成個問題就咁 loop 死o左.
我唔敢話TD一定有事, 但係o係其他 Forum 出 Flickr 圖係無問題的. 再者, 如果淨出 link, click 落去出現 Access Denied 亦都相當怪.
另一方面, 係發新帖時, "所見所得模式" 係可以睇到張圖的, 但係一發帖, 即刻死圖.
呢個係 Flickr Customer care O既回應
Hello Max,
Thank you for contacting Flickr Customer Care.
I am very sorry to hear that you are having trouble to post
your photos
into your website. I am afraid that the problem might be
that the code
you are using is not correct. You might want to try this
code <img
src="URL"> .
Also you can use the "Share this" button. The "Share this"
button shows
on photo, photostream, set, and group pages as well as on
From here you can:
- For photos you can get the HTML code that will let you
embed it in a
web page
- email a link to the page
- get the direct link to the page
- Blog it
You will not always see all of these options on all pages.
Depending on
the type of page type and privacy level, some options may
not be
If you have any other questions, please feel free to reply
to this
Thank you again for contacting us.
Flickr Customer Care

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2760/4199637034_5a3e449fb7_o.jpg |