Panzer 發表於 28-6-2007 07:50:56

原文章由 鷹頭獅 於 22-6-2007 04:04 PM 發表

The answer is "yes!"

Optimus 發表於 28-6-2007 09:53:19


~28~ 發表於 28-6-2007 10:41:50

原文章由 Panzer 於 28-6-2007 07:49 AM 發表
Having considered that I can buy two normal for 1 metal spec, I decided to get one normal:

Some preliminery shoots below
See t ...


Panzer 發表於 28-6-2007 10:53:29

Worth 20 years of waiting, hope you can get on hand next week.

大姐姐 發表於 29-6-2007 15:43:23

日本玩家對Bandai 1/20 的模型大讚,   制作過程中給他很大的樂趣,   模型不單結構精密,   而且活動能力比Takara 1/18的同款玩具高。

不過, 都係等佢出多些裝備才購買。

WalkerMachine 發表於 29-6-2007 15:49:23

WAOH ! So fast !
Here is also a blog in which he shows his building stage day by day, but he has not yet finished .....

裝甲仔 發表於 29-6-2007 16:10:23

WalkerMachine 發表於 29-6-2007 16:21:15

原文章由 裝甲仔 於 29-6-2007 04:10 PM 發表


bigbig, u mean burglary dog ? it's released for a while now, you canstill find it at "shipship"

Panzer 發表於 29-6-2007 17:20:07

原文章由 大姐姐 於 29-6-2007 03:43 PM 發表
日本玩家對Bandai 1/20 的模型大讚,   制作過程中給他很大的樂趣,   模型不單結構精密,   而且活動能力比Takara 1/18的同款玩具高。

不過, 都係等佢出多些裝備才購買。 ...

Hope I can dig some time in 71 to finish the frame first.

The greatest joy in this model is that you can create your own version without the need to think of consistency problem and making use of nowadays real-life weapons.

Thx for the link.

WAOH ! So fast !
Here is also a blog in which he shows his building stage day by day, but he has not yet finished .....

Its a great product, need to play with a longer time to appreciate the idea of the creative people in Bandai.

裝甲仔 發表於 29-6-2007 20:21:33

WalkerMachine 發表於 29-6-2007 21:19:16

原文章由 裝甲仔 於 29-6-2007 08:21 PM 發表

o岩o岩落街買咗藍綠box set,但你相背後支炮係咪另一隻ga?係邊一隻ar?:shy:

Here it is, the 1/48 Burglary dog :

裝甲仔 發表於 29-6-2007 22:53:17

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 30-6-2007 00:26:36

Today.................... I have bought 1/35 Testa Rossa, 1/48 Standing Turtle X 2 and 2 "Box egg" Scopedog~~~~~~~~

Share withh all bros later!:)

Panzer 發表於 30-6-2007 08:03:30

原文章由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 30-6-2007 12:26 AM 發表
Today.................... I have bought 1/35 Testa Rossa, 1/48 Standing Turtle X 2 and 2 "Box egg" Scopedog~~~~~~~~

Share withh all bros later!:)
Congratulation for the hunt! (because of pay day at month end?)

I recommend the 1/20 also (although many of you will wait until RSC or what so ever)

WalkerMachine 發表於 30-6-2007 10:25:58

原文章由 裝甲仔 於 29-6-2007 10:53 PM 發表

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