Panzer 發表於 18-5-2007 13:48:03

原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 18-5-2007 01:24 PM 發表

not yet lar .... u know me lar, I want to weathering it a little bit .... repaint a little bit .... take time gar mar

Tried with the old add-on last night and here's the result:

1. Paracutte - fit quite well
2. Roundmover - difficult to cling on, will force the back plate to fall out
3. Red shoulder custom, not fit at all
4. Marshy - unfit as the leg attachment is different
5. Turbo (type 20) - only the back pack and missile launcher are OK, other attachments are unable to use
6. Red Shoulder (Remen) - same as turbo

So, the conclusion is more renew version from Takara is coming.

WalkerMachine 發表於 18-5-2007 13:49:49

Panzer bigbig, do yours have loose shoulder ball joints too ?

Panzer 發表於 18-5-2007 14:12:18

原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 18-5-2007 01:49 PM 發表
Panzer bigbig, do yours have loose shoulder ball joints too ?

Mine is OK, I think putting a little WD40 would improve the joints, they are too delicate this time.

WalkerMachine 發表於 18-5-2007 14:18:12

what ...... is .......WD.....40
( I google.... )-----> this ??

Panzer 發表於 18-5-2007 15:06:55

原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 18-5-2007 02:18 PM 發表
what ...... is .......WD.....40
( I google.... )-----> this ??

Yes, there is a pen version where you can find in 日本城. Just apply a little on these joints and the oil will form a buffer between the space, I tried these will these horrible joints manufactured by WAVE long time ago and the joints become much more acceptable. As the ball joints of this new dog is like soft plastic, I do not recommend to use glue to tighten them.

WalkerMachine 發表於 18-5-2007 15:08:47

Panzer bigbig ..... THANKS THANKS THANKS !

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 18-5-2007 15:32:14

原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 18-5-2007 01:07 PM 發表
Anyone got the Burglary Dog already ?
I started to play with mine last night, mine's shoulder ball joint ( the left one ) is quite loose lei ....:no:

Got it yesterday.................... And get 1 more today casue want to get a better QC one................. :ice:

WalkerMachine 發表於 18-5-2007 15:36:20

原文章由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 18-5-2007 03:32 PM 發表

Got it yesterday.................... And get 1 more today casue want to get a better QC one................. :ice:

what's the pb on yours ? Loose shoulder ball joint too ...?

黑色三連敗 發表於 18-5-2007 17:08:50

原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 18-5-2007 01:24 PM 發表

not yet lar .... u know me lar, I want to weathering it a little bit .... repaint a little bit .... take time gar mar


Panzer 發表於 18-5-2007 17:58:07

原文章由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 18-5-2007 03:32 PM 發表

Got it yesterday.................... And get 1 more today casue want to get a better QC one................. :ice:

No more stock at MK (football playground) Ship Ship last night, got to be quick or wait for offical channel. For the shoulder, I think it can be replaced (but with big operation).

ikkithefool 發表於 21-5-2007 14:47:21

mine (the burglary dog) not too bad.........

but since I'm fine with the original AG series, I'd prefer Takara release a nomal
Burglary Dog, rather then this expensive version...........

but since to me, it's the strongest custom version of normal dogs,
it's really good to see it together with all other 1/48 ATs.
(and the best thing is having this to be produced as the first toy of Burglary Dog)

If Takara is going to launch all custom parts sets for the 1/18 dogs, it'll be really good!!

WalkerMachine 發表於 22-5-2007 15:55:09

1/20 Scopedog official pics here :

and one big diorama

~28~ 發表於 22-5-2007 15:56:30

原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 22-5-2007 03:55 PM 發表
1/20 Scopedog official pics here :

and one big diorama ...


Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 22-5-2007 15:57:39

I haven't saw this..................I haven't saw this..................I haven't saw this..................I haven't saw this..................I haven't saw this.................. :no:

Panzer 發表於 22-5-2007 16:09:11

原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 22-5-2007 03:55 PM 發表
1/20 Scopedog official pics here :

and one big diorama

I know they will steal the 1/20 racing tools for use.Thanks for the link.

Here is a link where you can download the Votoms font for Windows:

You can try for custom markings for the Dogs
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