ikkithefool 發表於 10-5-2007 09:51:11

brother, dont buy it la,the quality is quite bad, joints are bad, easy to break too~

ikkithefool 發表於 10-5-2007 10:03:58

Finally weathered all 4 ATs from the 35max series.
And finally took a few photos, share with brothers~~ ^____^





And this set of Chirico and Fyana is quite nicely made, but the price not worth it. >__<


WalkerMachine 發表於 10-5-2007 10:10:20

原文章由 ikkithefool 於 10-5-2007 09:51 AM 發表
brother, dont buy it la,the quality is quite bad, joints are bad, easy to break too~
agree, and 山口 will release a SCOPEDOG this year ! So, GEL bigbig, please be patient :DD
ikkithefool bigbig long time no see ! Your 1/35 collection with weathering is absolutely COOL!!! And you bought "the couple" ! I've never see them in real, I've heard that "shipship" is the only shop who got them and they were sold out quite fast, anyway, .... seems the quality is ..... :cool:
For the "couple", Yamato will release soon ( hopefully ) the 1/12 Fyana this year, my patient will be paid off ~~:)

WalkerMachine 發表於 10-5-2007 10:16:16

btw, here they are, but donnu if REVOLTECH will release also the round mover and red should equipment all at the same time ....?

ikkithefool 發表於 10-5-2007 10:25:06

原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 10-5-2007 10:10 AM 發表

agree, and 山口 will release a SCOPEDOG this year ! So, GEL bigbig, please be patient :DD
ikkithefool bigbig long time no see ! Your 1/35 collection with weathering is absolutely COOL!!! And you ...

Yes la, long time no see, brother Walker Machine~~

Mine are just OK la, my skills are just beginners, haha~~
but the 35 max series is nice after doing simple weathering and applying decals.
but the stickers are not very strong, don't try to apply them on the ball shaped part (like shoulder armours)

The couple are not too bad actually (if the price is around 300, then worth it)
but now quite expensive~~ I bought at ship too, fastly sold out.

I'll get that Yamato 1/12 Fyana too although I don't like the breast part~
(just dont like the style to make female figures to be like harm sub thing)

The revoltech scopedogs are nice wo, but I think instead of releasing weapon parts seperately, they'll release different variations of dogs and others.
(but if they can release a set with all accessories with only 1 dog, it'll be good too)
I really like the neck joint, scopedogs can look up, cool~~~

WalkerMachine 發表於 10-5-2007 10:46:43

from http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread.php?tid=23103&extra=page%3D1&page=3
原文章由 魚旦 於 10-5-2007 09:39 AM 發表
各位各位... 冷靜o的先啦, 好似冇人睇到樓上 "C先生" 兄o既 reply 咁o既??
幾隻 Votoms 都只係示範作例, 並唔係商品....
Are the Revoltech Scopedogs 商品 or 示範作例 ...? Anyone can read japanese ??

and ....

You won't believe it !!! MORE NEW DOG ???!!!
source <----http://www.mpsnet.co.jp/hobbynet/ProductOne.aspx?pno=28016

[ 本文章最後由 WalkerMachine 於 10-5-2007 11:37 AM 編輯 ]

Panzer 發表於 10-5-2007 12:02:30

Those revotech were just prototypes and in planning stage only. No mention of release by the company.

In May and June, just focus on Takara and Bandai will already cleared out your pockets.

renderman 發表於 10-5-2007 12:16:43

原文章由 Panzer 於 10-5-2007 12:02 PM 發表
Those revotech were just prototypes and in planning stage only. No mention of release by the company.

In May and June, just focus on Takara and Bandai will already cleared out your pockets.

I do really hope revotech will issue Votom!!

黑色三連敗 發表於 10-5-2007 13:15:54

原文章由 renderman 於 10-5-2007 12:16 PM 發表

I do really hope revotech will issue Votom!!

me too ~~~ :no:

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 10-5-2007 21:47:23

May be not a dream cause................ Remember it?:D


MR.DENIS 發表於 10-5-2007 22:37:32

原文章由 ikkithefool 於 10-5-2007 10:03 AM 發表
Finally weathered all 4 ATs from the 35max series.
And finally took a few photos, share with brothers~~ ^____^


http://i3.ph ...


Panzer 發表於 11-5-2007 09:10:16

1/35 Max, still can be found in ship ship.

but, no cockpit....

GEL 發表於 11-5-2007 23:53:07

原文章由 ikkithefool 於 10-5-2007 09:51 AM 發表
brother, dont buy it la,the quality is quite bad, joints are bad, easy to break too~

really ?? too bad then...
anyway thx for telling me...

MAX 發表於 13-5-2007 14:05:32

原文章由 ikkithefool 於 10-5-2007 10:03 AM 發表
Finally weathered all 4 ATs from the 35max series.
And finally took a few photos, share with brothers~~ ^____^


http://i3.ph ...


ikkithefool 發表於 14-5-2007 09:39:52

The weathering is very easy to do, even beginers like me can do it,

after doing that and applying decals, it's good ga. all brothers should try it
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