squareone 發表於 8-3-2007 19:31:47

fallout8 發表於 8-3-2007 19:40:38


1)隻太空狗相比起普通狗, Red Shoulder Custom, Turbo Custom唔算受歡迎, 除非想儲全套, 依隻多數會skip.
2)個價偏貴(~15000yen), 令入門玩家卻步.
3)比起對上個果兩隻, 依隻冇咩賣點...只係多左個太空背包同可動手指.


redfish 發表於 8-3-2007 21:06:19

原文章由 squareone 於 8-3-2007 07:21 PM 發表
唔知今次又幾銀呢? 又叫什麼限定品"略"水?

又會唔會好似男狗咁變死貨? :*

see this link

原文章由 squareone 於 8-3-2007 07:31 PM 發表
7xx for this new green dog with round mover? so good? pls PM me which shop...

如果要用strikedog比較, 7XX個價唔算GOOD

GEL 發表於 9-3-2007 01:24:10

原文章由 redfish 於 8-3-2007 09:06 PM 發表

如果要用strikedog比較, 7XX個價唔算GOOD


GEL 發表於 9-3-2007 01:31:09

原文章由 Tin 於 8-3-2007 01:40 AM 發表
原來votom有專區...thx bro GEL



saved it!
thx for the nice pic!

GEL 發表於 9-3-2007 01:33:46

原文章由 MAX 於 8-3-2007 03:12 AM 發表

http://ga.sbcr.jp/g-toys/wonfes07win/42/ ...

i think it's 1/35
as the joints r similiar to CM's 1/35 death messenger

by the way... i would like to ask y the red shoulder of the CM's one is on the left but the 盒旦one is on the right?
whts the diff?

ikkithefool 發表於 9-3-2007 10:36:16

last nite I went to MK and try to see some VOTOMS toys.

saw the following things at ship (the new one):

1.) 1/18 Scopedog II displaying nicely with down form, next to it is 1/18 Scopedog.
      (price is quite expensive, but for brothers who wanna see it first, it's nice)

2.) 1/12 yamato Chirico, I saw one box displaying in the window area of VOTOMS.
      (One brother asked about this several days ago, right?)

3.) 1/12 Wave Chirico and Fyana figure set displaying in the window area of VOTOMS.
      (Finally saw this box, actually the quality is quite nice, even the packing is nice,
      but the price is around around 5XX,............ very expensive)
      (the sales there said it arrived yesterday or the day before, hopefully it will be
      sold in other shops for cheaper price later.

At the end, I bought the 35MAX #06 Standing Turtle.......... I can say this is the best looking Turtle toys ever.

Share with you broothers the photo I took this morning (sorry about shit quality)



and finally.......... I found these 3 things in my room stacking like Chirico's back view, hahaha


ikkithefool 發表於 9-3-2007 10:55:09

One thing wanna ask brothers here.
Anyone bought this VOTOMS toy book?

Does it also include rarely seen old VOTOMS toys?
And any customed toys (like the AG series?)

Thank you!!


Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 9-3-2007 11:05:06

Brother Fool~~~~~~~~~~I also want to buy Standing Turtle II but the price is still a little bit expensive.Where u got it and how much i it?PM me if you have time!Thx first!:)

p.s.Any interest to get Scopedog II also?:)

ikkithefool 發表於 9-3-2007 11:20:09

Brother Doug,

PM u already, please check.

No la, I'll stay calm this time (cos space is really limited), I'd rather wait for the 1/18 Scopedog RSC or TC.

[ 本文章最後由 ikkithefool 於 9-3-2007 11:27 AM 編輯 ]

大姐姐 發表於 9-3-2007 19:49:56

原文章由 ikkithefool 於 9-3-2007 10:55 發表
One thing wanna ask brothers here.
Anyone bought this VOTOMS toy book?

Does it also include rarely seen old VOTOMS toys?
And any customed toys (like the AG series?)

Thank you!!

http://i3 ...

本書主要是介紹近幾年出品的裝甲騎兵玩具和盒旦(Takara,CM's,Yamato,Max Factory,壽屋,海洋堂等), 十足一本玩具Catalog。很奇怪的,完全沒有刊登海洋堂1/35的機體。

舊產品方面,內容很弱,圖片最多是以往Takara1/24 Dual Model, 而Takara 1/60的半合金玩具, 只是影了一部綠狗連降傘裝備, 還有數隻擦膠運輸工具/飛行機體。仲有兩盒Takara 1/35的Red Shoulder Custom和 藍龜 連龜Mk-II裝備。

大姐姐 發表於 9-3-2007 20:04:21

原文章由 ikkithefool 於 9-3-2007 10:36 發表
last nite I went to MK and try to see some VOTOMS toys.

I bought the 35MAX #06 Standing Turtle.......... I can say this is the best looking Turtle toys ever


Panzer 發表於 11-3-2007 00:40:37


The original muisc for use as Red Shoulder Match which Chirico gone mad when hearing it in the mysterious spaceship.

Free 1st episode of装甲騎兵ボトムズ 赫奕たる異端�第1話


[ 本文章最後由 Panzer 於 11-3-2007 12:48 AM 編輯 ]

redfish 發表於 11-3-2007 00:42:46

TAKARATOMY的裝甲騎兵行貨將會由萬信接手, 之後出的TAKARATOMY裝甲騎兵產品貨源應該會充足好多

GEL 發表於 11-3-2007 00:46:09


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