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樓主: neweasonlss

如只論QC及抵玩bm momo 同 rah dx 影月 我應購入邊一隻

發表於 2-5-2009 00:30:44 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 neweasonlss 於 1-5-2009 12:02 PM 發表
唉真的很苦... 自己本身有買rah black ..又有買 bm 電王 (紅色個個from)
影月係兒時偶像, 電王momo 是我覺得一套很好看的rider 而且角色也很破格,,,,

希望各各大大再幫忙分析!!! thanks.....
真係唔知邊隻跳先. ...

Frankly I would not go for momo unless there's a 35% price drop.

The articulation of shadowmoon isn't as good as momo though.... medicom could have done better, or at least with the same articulation as hyper hero... this is one of the points I dislike Medicom to a certain extent, for its lack of "heart" of making action figures (e.g. the articulation of Black was awkward)
發表於 2-5-2009 00:32:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 neweasonlss 於 2-5-2009 12:11 AM 發表

唉我仲有the next no.1 and 2 未後追...真係好惡頂!!!但真係好吸引!!!:help:

The Next 1 & 2 have become "god's items" nowadays... along with The Next V3.  I don't know the chance but we may dream of a new Rider movie thus there gonna be new versions of these figures...
發表於 2-5-2009 01:03:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 辛尼 於 1-5-2009 10:39 AM 發表
入影月啦∼  我都想入。。。 不過袋鼠國沒可能有。。。加埋運費又好貴:56:

OT: 我都係袋鼠國...係呢度買玩具真係.......
發表於 2-5-2009 02:24:44 | 顯示全部樓層
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