發表於 16-8-2008 10:06:13
原帖由 crows_dive 於 16-8-2008 02:30 AM 發表 
查實... QP大約係講咩? 似唔似crows, worst?:?
QP is a story that mainly foucs on 我妻涼&石田小鳥, which they are soulmate after they met each other in high school.我妻涼 really admire 石田小鳥 that he not only wanted to help him to become the head boss of the school but also the head of the Japanese gang. But everything changed after 石田小鳥 met 上田秀虎, which made 石田小鳥 to become more considerate, a decent man. After 我妻涼 w/ his own gang beat up 上田秀虎, 石田小鳥 went mad and taking some sort of revenge and that make him go to juvenile hall. Years later, 石田小鳥 is released and wanted to have a normal life so he went to work for a gas station, while 我妻涼 is waiting for 石田小鳥 to take over the throne that he worked for him all along . However, 石田小鳥 refused to take anything, and moreover he persuade 我妻 to leave the gang and have a normal life. And this conflict lead these two people heading to a totally different path.
So basically QP and CROWS or WORST are not really alike.
But! (Some CROWS characters will appear at the end and also in the side story) |