Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: Fukuiraptor

武裝戰線 Crows & Worst 討論區

發表於 16-8-2008 10:06:13 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 crows_dive 於 16-8-2008 02:30 AM 發表

查實... QP大約係講咩? 似唔似crows, worst?:?

QP is a story that mainly foucs on 我妻涼&石田小鳥, which they are  soulmate after they met each other in high school.我妻涼 really admire 石田小鳥 that he not only wanted to help him to become the head boss of the school but also the head of the Japanese gang. But everything changed after 石田小鳥 met 上田秀虎, which made 石田小鳥 to become more considerate, a decent man. After 我妻涼 w/ his own gang beat up 上田秀虎, 石田小鳥 went mad and taking some sort of revenge and that make him go to juvenile hall. Years later, 石田小鳥 is released and wanted to have a normal life so he went to work for a gas station, while 我妻涼 is waiting for 石田小鳥 to take over the throne that he worked for him all along . However, 石田小鳥 refused to take anything, and moreover he persuade 我妻 to leave the gang and have a normal life. And this conflict lead these two people heading to a totally different path.

So basically QP and CROWS or WORST are not really alike.

But! (Some CROWS characters will appear at the end and also in the side story)
發表於 16-8-2008 10:47:54 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Godfather 於 16-8-2008 10:06 AM 發表

QP is a story that mainly foucs on 我妻涼&石田小鳥, which they are  soulmate after they met each other in high school.我妻涼 really admire 石田小鳥 that he not only wanted to help him to become th ...

thx a lot~
好詳細... 不過英文~:(
發表於 16-8-2008 11:30:24 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 16-8-2008 13:10:23 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Godfather 於 16-8-2008 10:06 AM 發表

QP is a story that mainly foucs on 我妻涼&石田小鳥, which they are  soulmate after they met each other in high school.我妻涼 really admire 石田小鳥 that he not only wanted to help him to become th ...

其實QP主要係講石田小鳥(綽號QP)同我淒涼既變化。呢4個人(鈴木幸三奈良岡常吉)由國中時代已經好好兄弟,因為石田超級好打(係超勁)同好有義氣,我淒涼非常崇拜石田。但因為一次俾人圍毆(幾十對4)而令我淒涼既觀念同性格開始走向極端。加上上田秀虎既出現令石田既思想出現變化(由敵人成為好朋友)。我淒因自細只得石田呢3個朋友,覺得上田搶走左佢心入面唯一既崇拜對象,更對上田作出報復(刺殺),呢件事令石田因拒捕(搵我淒途中係3樓拋左個人落街)而入左少年院(男童院)。自返出黎之後,石田以經唔再嬲我淒,但大家所身處已經係2個世界,不過我淒仍然好想石田成為呢個地區甚至整個日本既霸者(我淒已經係黑道中人)。而我淒之後因為得罪自己組織既副頭加上市井河島既叛變而俾TOMJERRY刺殺(後加入我淒一方),之後佢地再搵SMOKE S(一個殺手組織)殺我淒,石田雖救出我淒,但分手途中遭埋伏而中鎗(其中一鎗令佢無左把聲)。之後佢明白同石田已經係2個世界既人,唔再執著要石田加入......故事大概係咁:60:不過佢係CROWS既18年後(大概,因有提及年份同阪東,桐島廣已最終有出場)所以都算有D關係:78:

[ 本帖最後由 飛天豬 於 17-8-2008 01:23 AM 編輯 ]
發表於 16-8-2008 13:30:27 | 顯示全部樓層
啱啱講起QP, QP BLACKLIST VOL 2 就出咗呀,A,B 都有啦

發表於 16-8-2008 13:43:49 | 顯示全部樓層
thx 飛天豬 dada:64: :64:
發表於 16-8-2008 18:51:54 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 spawn+worst 於 16-8-2008 01:43 PM 發表
thx 飛天豬 dada:64: :64:

發表於 16-8-2008 18:53:17 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 DIG 於 16-8-2008 01:30 PM 發表
啱啱講起QP, QP BLACKLIST VOL 2 就出咗呀,A,B 都有啦

PH ...

發表於 16-8-2008 22:07:13 | 顯示全部樓層

Crows Zero TBS限定boxset連tee


發表於 16-8-2008 22:10:04 | 顯示全部樓層

我的22cm collection

發表於 16-8-2008 22:19:08 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 kuokwok 於 16-8-2008 06:53 PM 發表


發表於 16-8-2008 22:21:37 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 飛天豬 於 16-8-2008 01:10 PM 發表

其實QP主要係講石田小鳥(綽號QP)同我淒涼既變化。呢4個人(鈴木幸三、奈良岡常吉)由國中時代已經好好兄弟,因為石田超級好打(係超勁)同好有義氣,我淒涼非常崇拜石田。但因為一次俾人圍毆(幾十對4)而令我淒涼既觀 ...

發表於 16-8-2008 22:22:18 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tobo 於 16-8-2008 10:10 PM 發表

發表於 16-8-2008 22:24:07 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tobo 於 16-8-2008 10:10 PM 發表

一個字: 勁!!!!:71:
發表於 16-8-2008 22:39:24 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tobo 於 16-8-2008 10:10 PM 發表

tobo 大大,好劲的收藏呀
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