原文章由 SDEU 於 10-3-2007 12:09 AM 發表 請問中間戴面具個隻係咪好貴? 我都唔知貴唔貴架:shy: 係routa A 特別版黎架, 我係好好彩咁抽反黎架:):):)
原文章由 Shion 於 13-3-2007 02:23 AM 發表 so little bigbig like the 武裝戰線 set toys...only us ,less than 10 person...
原文章由 Shion 於 13-3-2007 02:20 AM 發表 how many bigbig have jacket set??~~
原文章由 gerfai 於 13-3-2007 11:55 PM 發表 今日係旺角見到呢set 5條魚~ 好貴:no:
原文章由 Shion 於 14-3-2007 01:59 AM 發表 where in 旺角??I want to buy a~~~~~I will go to HK next month,will it stoll have???
原文章由 DIG 於 14-3-2007 11:34 AM 發表 Don't buy it. It will be re-issue this month. You can check YAHOO Japan & on-line shop.
原文章由 Fukuiraptor 於 14-3-2007 11:46 PM 發表 Spin-off Vol. 3, to be released this month.
原文章由 Shion 於 14-3-2007 11:24 PM 發表 巴迪 big big,are those your books from Taiwan?somewhere sell in Hongkong?thx to answer me~~
原文章由 Shion 於 14-3-2007 11:24 PM 發表 Toys_hunter big big,how much and when did u buy that set??can u PM me?Evny u~~~~ 巴迪 big big,are those your books from Taiwan?somewhere sell in Hongkong?thx to answer me~~
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