發表於 15-4-2009 16:09:16
原帖由 555 於 15-4-2009 03:54 PM 發表 
sorry, I mean that the "friend relationship" just between seller & buyer only.
The shop made the mistake for himself & I have not reponsible to remind him.
By the way, I have not done the illegual h ...
嘩, 轉雞腸
路不拾遺小學有教woo, 英文咁好ge你應該識可
間鋪唔記得, 佢made mistake, 唔代表, 你唔同佢講番ge你係啱晒
係, 間鋪有made mistake佢有錯, 但係無心之失
但有人執左個大便宜, 有心去食兩家茶飯, 仲要覺得自己啱晒, 上嚟光榮示眾
SORRY, 我真係睇唔過眼:blame: |