樓主 |
發表於 11-11-2006 23:17:33
原帖由 jabberwock 於 11-11-2006 22:59 發表
thx,,, 大大.
但係我今日去過了,, 不太找到呢,, 可唔可以講俾我聽大概係那一層呢... 新出既玩具太多了,, 但唔見佢放出來,,,, 麻煩了各位大大.. (大概幾錢ga ?) :sad:
In basement, but already in several weeks ago.
I did not ask about the price and I am not sure if you can still find it.
But if you are really desperate and want to get this.
You can still order via Japanese online shop e.g. 1999.co.jp
It is now A/V at a special price of #%&) yen. (50% discount!!)
You can find it by searching 勇者リヱЗロユЕみ�太陽ソ勇者иャユдみЭ or 商品 no. of 650782 in www.1999.co.jp