amazing yui style bigbig!
actually i was planning to do the same thg for meer, but i've been doing
another project on fraulline(and it has been stalling for quite some time too. .. .)
so i cant resist to give you a shout out on your excellent job.
ayw, back to the OP, your lacus is really really well done. crafting for the hands
is not that easy, especially on mms' material, is harder than to craft on PVC or
model plastic. seed heroine's gasha series are good for various mods, i love them
too. and really it is not until figma miku where there is a better shoulder joint for
characters that show their shoulders. I belive the later figma white saber version has
an even better shoulder joints. ayw, i'd hope that's more of the same things to come.
congrats again, i've really enjoyed your piece, you've inspired me to finish mine too
hopfully we'll see more of your new masterpiece in time yui. |