Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: Devil_Fudou

美國英雄 (DC & Marvel Super Heroes) 專區

發表於 18-12-2006 22:08:35 | 顯示全部樓層
where did you buy the STEEL?:^

原文章由 chenkofs 於 18-12-2006 09:08 AM 發表

發表於 18-12-2006 22:31:37 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 傑斗Kidult 於 18-12-2006 10:00 PM 發表
Marvel Heroes Series 1

Is it by Hasbro? Wow .... I should get more up to date with my US toys! haha
發表於 19-12-2006 01:34:16 | 顯示全部樓層
yup!!  所以最快都要等到出年

原文章由 IchigoKurosaki 於 18-12-2006 10:31 PM 發表

Is it by Hasbro? Wow .... I should get more up to date with my US toys! haha
發表於 20-12-2006 00:05:51 | 顯示全部樓層

三位大大爭一隻Venom~ :(

總之我都放啦~ :DD
發表於 20-12-2006 00:14:15 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 傑斗Kidult 於 19-12-2006 01:34 AM 發表
yup!!  所以最快都要等到出年

Wow so much to buy next year!!! I hope HK get more stock la!
發表於 20-12-2006 00:15:58 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 Daredaddy 於 20-12-2006 12:05 AM 發表

三位大大爭一隻Venom~ :(

總之我都放啦~ :DD

係就益我先啦~daddy :DD
發表於 20-12-2006 00:18:48 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 IchigoKurosaki 於 20-12-2006 12:14 AM 發表

Wow so much to buy next year!!! I hope HK get more stock la!

well~ the main concern for me is how will hasbro distribute his stock....
i hope its not gonna like transformer classic...
ended up need to get those from Scalpers......:no:
發表於 20-12-2006 10:45:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 henryiny2k 於 20-12-2006 12:15 AM 發表

係就益我先啦~daddy :DD

DD~~既以係就益埋我, haha, :DD

[ 本文章最後由 samuriapoon 於 20-12-2006 10:46 AM 編輯 ]
發表於 20-12-2006 13:41:55 | 顯示全部樓層

[ 本文章最後由 mushroom 於 20-12-2006 01:46 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 20-12-2006 14:30:17 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 henryiny2k 於 20-12-2006 12:18 AM 發表

well~ the main concern for me is how will hasbro distribute his stock....
i hope its not gonna like transformer classic...
ended up need to get those from Scalpers......:no:

Yes ar ... But I have a feeling thats whats going to happen... Sigh...

Problem is, I don't even know where the scalpers are in HK! hahaha Sigh! No more la!
發表於 20-12-2006 20:21:07 | 顯示全部樓層
you can find them easily in Yahoo!

原文章由 IchigoKurosaki 於 20-12-2006 02:30 PM 發表

Yes ar ... But I have a feeling thats whats going to happen... Sigh...

Problem is, I don't even know where the scalpers are in HK! hahaha Sigh! No more la!
發表於 20-12-2006 22:09:30 | 顯示全部樓層
雖然一向都唔做慣呢啲嘢, 不過今次都想講吓.....

報料, 今日响銅鑼灣糖街見到有Marvel Legends Face-off Series 1「訂」,  現貨3 set已俾人訂咗, 價錢無謂講, 貴唔貴純屬見仁見智, 有興趣嘅大大可以去睇睇, 最近我「聽聞」代理已表明Marvel Legends Series 14已係香港最後一套ToyBiz嘅Marvel玩具, 唔會再返任何嘅Series, 要等就係明年一月Hasbro系列, 信不信由你, 以上!
發表於 20-12-2006 22:48:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 Daredaddy 於 20-12-2006 10:09 PM 發表
雖然一向都唔做慣呢啲嘢, 不過今次都想講吓.....

報料, 今日响銅鑼灣糖街見到有Marvel Legends Face-off Series 1「訂」,  現貨3 set已俾人訂咗, 價錢無謂講, 貴唔貴純屬見仁見 ...

ML15 ar~~~~~~byebye la~~~~~無 la~~
發表於 20-12-2006 22:53:53 | 顯示全部樓層
sigh~just need 1 more to complete my basic ML15 -.-
Beta Ray Bill~
發表於 20-12-2006 23:47:08 | 顯示全部樓層
我都o係銅中見過, 價錢就真係嘩嘩聲!!  拎上手睇一睇就算:sad:

另外今日我都收到風, 都係話香港唔會返ML 15...等o左大半個月, 結果都係:die:

原文章由 Daredaddy 於 20-12-2006 10:09 PM 發表
雖然一向都唔做慣呢啲嘢, 不過今次都想講吓.....

報料, 今日响銅鑼灣糖街見到有Marvel Legends Face-off Series 1「訂」,  現貨3 set已俾人訂咗, 價錢無謂講, 貴唔貴純屬見仁見 ...
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