發表於 28-11-2006 13:28:59
原文章由 Devil_Fudou 於 27-11-2006 09:58 PM 發表
隻2099都ok既~ 身體用左金屬藍~
件袍麻麻..... 腳關節直頭低能..... 同無關節無咩分別, 係得pose先企得靚....
遲d我應該會買埋Giant Man series隻AOA Sab ...
Lucky! I want Julia Carpentar and Genis-Vell too! :sad:
Longshot is good too!! He has basically the same power as Scarlet Witch, but not as ridiculous. He is not just a knife thrower, he has probability affecting ability. That is why his name is Longshot (both as a knife throwing reference and in luck [Wow, to do this will be a longshot])
Also, don't forget to add White Sasquatch in your Exiles team. She is Heather Hudson.
Hope my ML15 set comes soon. |