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樓主: gundamrx78


發表於 1-8-2008 14:02:46 | 顯示全部樓層
i got gundam and char's zaku of this line, both are still displaying in my hm everyday.(just got pushed
to the back row by all the new products these days). to me, this is one of the best zaku desgin that
captures the real zaku in the original gundam animation. and is mostly in chogokin too, heavy as hell~

i hvn't had as much enjoyment over a zaku until the recent scm ex line. and yea, the new gouf is freaking
awesome. i've always like toys that resemble what it stands for in its relative show, and i like them retro.
i guess, i've stuck in the 80s and raise up to be an old skool kinda guy, but hell that's just me.

bk to the topic, i think one of the reason that these amazing desgin didn't sell in the late 90s may be
because the market is not ready for retro product at that time yet. the late 90s to me is still the emerging
of katoki's reengineering of the classic gundam desgin, and at that time it gives those classic gundams a
more up to date design, and it was really really popular at that time. so the same trend carries on, and
the market is flood with redesign gundam, from either bandai, garage kit to individual modellers. sometimes.
there are some good one, and sometimes, there are some that are waaay over design like the nu-gundam
evolve(just for example, i find it dizzy just looking at it, no offense to fans tho).

so i guess we, consumers got drawn out by a linear development of a market trend(or saterated). and bandai
are looking for new ways to sell models. it is only logical that they are putting a classic spin to the design and
meanwhile loading it up with the latest state of the art technology to it. end result, our version 2.0

ayw, sry for the long post, i got 10min of free time and are bored at the office ^^; but just wanted to fill it to
the topic from what i've seen as a spectator and also a fan of the modelling world. last but not the least, i
didn't know exactly when this "retro" trend has begun, but look around us, we are surround by vintage stuff
not just our beloved toys, but clothes, sneakers, movies, even cell phones(well nokia said they are ayw).

p.s. for aywone that finish my entire post, you ROCK! haha
       and to gundamrx78 bigbig, your post is pure awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish there are more coming :P

[ 本帖最後由 flash 於 1-8-2008 02:06 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 1-8-2008 14:10:26 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks, nice photo and analysis
發表於 1-8-2008 15:05:16 | 顯示全部樓層

可動戰士系列...小櫻有 Gundam... Gundam (Prototype Color ver)... Char's Zaku... Zaku... GM... 百式... 還有可變戰士 Z Gundam & ZZ Gundam... 但不知為何到現在都不出 Mark II...

其實這系列 (可動戰士)... 可以說是Bandai的技術的一個理程碑...如沒記錯...這是首次使用「推出關節」和「申展關節」的Gundam玩具...多種新概念的活動關節的確令模型的「運動性」大增...後來此等結構應用到旗下的Gunpla上...代表作應是Gundam Ver. OYW 了...

樓主說此系列不受歡迎小櫻就覺得不認同了... 不過再沒有新產品又真令人覺得可惜...

其實相對予Super HCM Pro... 可動戰士 可以很粗暴的玩反而更覺得可愛...

發表於 1-8-2008 15:37:26 | 顯示全部樓層
鐵腳板夠晒重, 隻嘢唔易瞓低, 軟膠圍裙更喺神來之筆.
話時話, 假使今日先出呢隻嘢, 喺乜都 overpiced 嘅環境下, 肯定殺你三四佰以上
發表於 1-8-2008 16:06:25 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tonyktng 於 1-8-2008 03:37 PM 發表
鐵腳板夠晒重, 隻嘢唔易瞓低, 軟膠圍裙更喺神來之筆.
話時話, 假使今日先出呢隻嘢, 喺乜都 overpiced 嘅環境下, 肯定殺你三四佰以上

~~~喺乜都 overpiced 嘅環境下, 肯定殺你三四佰以上~~~

Totally agree!!!
發表於 1-8-2008 17:54:11 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 1-8-2008 18:20:43 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 flash 於 1-8-2008 02:02 PM 發表
i got gundam and char's zaku of this line, both are still displaying in my hm everyday.(just got pushed
to the back row by all the new products these days). to me, this is one of the best zaku desgin ...

居然一次写了这么多 看的好费力~~~

以MG原画设计风格为主 KATOKI确实是以他的风格影响了后15年高达风格的发展
渐渐的 高达已经不在使用TV风格的设计了 即使的HGUC系列 也只是略有一点相似而已

1999年 GUNDAM 20th的时候推出了这个可动/可变战士系列才是真正的复古回归之做
确实如你所说 使用一些新的关节可动技术 在保持了TV风格造型的同时
把可动性提高到了一种惊人的范围只上 这绝对是当时任何模型都达不到的
可惜 当时即使是日本市场的玩家们 也不是人人都能突然的接受的了这种造型
并没有被广大玩家所接受的该系列 只草草的推出了6款编号产品就从此销声匿迹了
这是一个跟其他一些成品一样的命运的产品系列 只不过多坚持了2年而已 并且推出了很多限定版
这并不能改变什么 后期的Z系列3机 明显的开始从TV风格修正为MG风格甚至是结构
但是已经晚了 最后一做的百式已经彻彻底底的没有了TV风格的味道  可以说彻底的背离的该系列发售时的初衷

故意将模型的可动跟结构设计弄的很差 也是BANDAI的一种营销策略 模型明明可以做的更好 但是一定要把新技术去掉
可动一定要做的差 结构一定要存在一些缺陷 这样可以慢慢的去休整 去增加新改进的地方
而同样是BANDAI推出的成品系列高达玩具 有什么技术就用什么
2段关节 前翻肩膀 多重球关节 旋转腰部 等等等等,都比模型早应用3到5年 甚至如可动战士一样 10年之后才开始做出同等可动性的MG模型  早在2001年就开始在MIA系列上普及2段关节技术的BANDAI ,模型上就要晚23年才大量推广,只有个别机体可以达到MIA的可动
HGUC的第一款产品 钢加浓  设计上有很多不错的地方 可以说是相当不错的设计
毅然的把以后产品可动性方面直接降到了冰点 如同植物一般的发售几年后 才开始重新恢复达到第一款HGUC的水准之上
这种营消策略虽然没有错 但是个人感觉却是很恶心的 当然前提条件是FANS们要疯狂的去购买BANDAI的模型

一说起来 也说的过多了
大家其实是一样的 我也在工作 也没有很多的时间去玩这些东西
只能在晚上有限的时间里 去做玩具摄影 跟浏览BBS
白天上班更是没有机会上网的  为了生活只能卖力工作了
大陆还是低收入的地方 买高达是一种很奢侈的行为 尤其在北方
也会受到电车男一样的待遇 被人所不理解是很正常的 不过不会想日本的OTAKU一样跟正常人不一样.....那太不正常了
但这并不是阻碍 喜欢的话一样还在玩GUNDAM   不过我基本都是收集完成品系列了 模型不再购买

谢谢你的支持    以后我会继续坚持的 可动战士系列我会努力的收集齐全 真的很难收集
我是从2005年才开始收集高达的 太晚了 有些东西确实很难买 也很贵了
發表於 3-8-2008 11:43:40 | 顯示全部樓層
故意将模型的可动跟结构设计弄的很差 也是BANDAI的一种营销策略 模型明明可以做的更好 但是一定要把新技术去掉
可动一定要做的差 结构一定要存在一些缺陷 这样可以慢慢的去休整 去增加新改进的地方

that's just good business, pushing same products out with similar qualities but little by little improvement, is like what microsoft do with their window os.

ayw, thanks for the reply gundamrx78 bigbig, i think we share some similar view
points regarding bandai models and share some similar taste and passion as well
towards gundam. i am glad to know that. and also it is interesting to see that you are
from the mainland, i dun know how keeping this hobby is like inthere, i can only imagine
that some products must be hard to come by for you ba.

i am also occupied by my job, and can only find time to look at or (dust off)
my toys once a while, but that's fine. because i needed it, for balance and
for a little more imagination corner between bills, and pay cheque lol

[ 本帖最後由 flash 於 3-8-2008 11:44 AM 編輯 ]
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本帖最後由 getterwing2 於 10-1-2011 11:54 AM 編輯
that's just good business, pushing same products out with similar qualities but little by little ...
flash 發表於 3-8-2008 11:43


相機, 電話, 全部一樣.  如果全部都 "去都盡" 俾部當時頂尖的產品你, 佢地仲點可能在兩個月後推出多幾款新model?

講番渣古II的產品, 我覺得MG 2.0 真係呢幾年的頂尖, 在結構/可動性/外型方面都冇得彈.  可惜之後的MG產品(例如紅綠勇MG2.0) 的水準又係跌番下來.
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