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Obama won the nomination for Democrats......

發表於 4-6-2008 09:26:16 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
.....but that does not mean he is going to be the President. There is still a lot of white people not comfortable with a black president; also,  he has not offered any real solutions to any major problems so far. Good rhetoric doesn't always translate into the Presidency. In many states, Republicants are still the majority, so Democrats might lose the general election........another 4 years of the Republicants?? Prove me wrong.

[ 本帖最後由 ultimatekuuga 於 6-6-2008 08:05 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 4-6-2008 10:31:22 | 顯示全部樓層
I hope the Republican would not win the presidency again, its time for a change.  United States need new directions.

[ 本帖最後由 fieal 於 4-6-2008 12:33 PM 編輯 ]
 樓主| 發表於 4-6-2008 12:00:48 | 顯示全部樓層
One of their problems is imposing so called Democracy on other countries.
發表於 4-6-2008 15:03:02 | 顯示全部樓層
G.W.Bush 係一個太太...太大既包袱(如陳水扁般),但好彩在對手爭咁耐爭出個大頭佛,


如果Hillary 唔出黎做vice president ,obama都幾頭痕,


一般平民有好大部份人都係好無知,直接點講係stupid .......

個人認為,Hillary 唔做vice president ,obama必敗(除非 McCain身體出現好嚴重問題)
發表於 5-6-2008 09:23:15 | 顯示全部樓層
選戰一場又一場, 同自己人爭完又要同外人再爭... 對唔係美國人o既我o黎講, 都幾煩厭...
發表於 5-6-2008 13:24:39 | 顯示全部樓層
Even if he is the leader for Democrats, the majority of Americans are Republicans. Its going to be quite a challenge for him!
發表於 5-6-2008 14:08:03 | 顯示全部樓層
Well at least its democracy in action.  I just hope Obama would win and bring some real change.
 樓主| 發表於 7-6-2008 22:11:24 | 顯示全部樓層
As I expected...... that is why Collin Powell didn't run (one of his reasons anyway)

美逾半民眾憂奧巴馬被暗殺(明報)06月 06日 星期五 02:20PM







[ 本帖最後由 ultimatekuuga 於 7-6-2008 10:12 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 7-6-2008 23:22:33 | 顯示全部樓層
I doubt he will choose Hillary, it's risky.  Her lengthy campaign drained her, AND it gave her negative press and impression enough.  While I applaud her "sportsmanship", it was foolhardy and too desperate.
He might have a chance when John Edwards is his running mate, have to see.

McCain I am in a very very mix bag.  I know that his wife is a philantropist.  He also seems to relate to other people as his sons were in military service.

BUT, I also read an article about his hypocrisy.  He recently claimed to be a critic of GWB, but sources found most of his quote defending it in some way.

Is he just a very private person, or he is a person with many things to hide?  This and the past elections have been very "unchoosable" lately for me also....  Have to decide the as some might put it (especially the comic Transmetropolitan beautifully ilustrated it) "the lesser of two evils".
 樓主| 發表於 9-6-2008 13:41:35 | 顯示全部樓層
All politicians are liars and hypocrites, they have to be, the environment in which they work requires them to be.

McCain is a military guy, not an expert in the economy. If you care about the wars, you vote for him; if you care about the economy, you vote for someone else. Whether his wife is a philanthropist, is not important.

Actually, none of them is electable like many others before this election. They never solve any problems; if they did, they wouldn't have to repeat having solutions to the problems mentioned in many other prior elections. If the problems are gone, why would one want to solve them again!? It doesn't matter which party you vote, they have more-or-less the same foreign policy.

The candidates should take several-day-long tests on how they solve the problems instead of wasting money campaigning when voters can only see what the candidates want them to see.

Cost of medicare - go after the CEOs of those Pharmaceutical companies, hospital managements and greedy doctors.

Price of gas - hang those CEOs of oil companies (I will provide the ropes, these people don't even know how to make soap in a flask)! . It doesn't matter whether people start using water as the fuel, it is human's greed that makes things expensive. If they use cow's dune as fuel , cow's dune would be as expensive as oil. Now corns are used to make fuel; food prices jump because corns make bread, feed the pigs/cows and among other things,

[ 本帖最後由 ultimatekuuga 於 14-7-2008 10:49 PM 編輯 ]
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