May I know how you keep and seperate your money from your salary? Course I need to give my money to my wife every month and left a little bit for meals and transporation. I can only have about 700 dollars left every month for toys but so many toys needed to buy.:55:
This month I still haven't start bleeding yet.
And my wife brought me Bikungfu (SOC GX-39) for me as a birthday present.
But hopefully sometimes next week I will be able to start give out some blood when MAX GGGG arrive... hope SupeXXaX have reserved 1 for me la...
Also this month I am waiting for the reissue of S.H.E. Godannar and S.H.E. Smallest Change Getter 1 version 2.0 too!
And Medicom's RAH Fullmetal Alchemist toy is coming out this month too!!! OH NO!!! :70: