玩過 Doki Doki Literature Club DDLC 嘅朋友, 相信對 Sayori 同 Yuri 呢兩個角色都一定唔會焰生,
尤其是遊戲一開首就出場嘅 Sayori, 喺 Act.1 結尾嘅一幕會唔會嚇到大家呢?
無論如何, DDLC 呢隻 Game (其實都唔算係 Game) 都係值得一玩嘅,
繼 Monika 同 Natsuki 之後, Nendoroid 嘅 Sayori 同 Yuri 終於都正式出場,
並且喺今日平安到埗, 仲附有網購特典,
就連 Monika 同 Natsuki 都急不及待嚟迎接啦!

Sayori 嘅網購特典係手拿曲奇餅嘅手一個

而 Yuri 既網購特典就係朱古力一排加一隻用嚟拎住朱古力嘅手

附送紙板道具一套 (只係影左 Sayori)


"We're gonna make it the best club ever!"

"Every day is going to be so much fun~"

"I like things that are happy and thing that are sad."


玩 Game 玩玩下咁樣出 Glitch, 會唔會嚇到你呢?

好啦 Sayori 唔好再嚇人啦, 擺個可愛甫士影番張先啦~

為食嘅 Sayori, 最鍾意食曲奇餅


Yuri 影幾張唧, 唔洗咁怕醜啵!

"I'm so glad... I got the chance to share my writing.
I never thought it would feel like this."

"If there is one thing that can make my reading time here
any better, it's a nice cup of tea."

"Are you ready to turn the page?"
咦? 等一陣...??

睇真啲, 本書入面有把刀嘅?!!

Yuri, are you OK?? 唔通......???

又有 Glitch???

Yuri 拜托唔好再嚇人啦, 至多我 MC 請妳食朱古力啦~
Yuri 食朱古力個樣又幾可愛啵~

Welcome to the Literature Club~!

Thanks for reading~ |