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[改造交流] Playarts改Final Fantasy 7 RE的Tifa與Aerith之終極改造

發表於 19-10-2022 22:47:38 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Playarts 改Tifa的災情相信已嚇死無數同好, 我也是受害人之一, 即使廠方補件也不見得好了, 最後鼓起勇氣自己動手改造!
由於改造經歷的舊相太多, 我只好貼上最後的模樣。

這是跟原版比較, 審美觀人人不同, 已盡了最大努力改變, 至少我自己也覺得滿意就夠了。

接着是改變身高, 由於Tifa的身高(167cm)並沒有跟原設定比Aerith(163cm)只高4cm, 但兩者figure身高差實在太多, 最後把Tifa改矮一點令她們身高更相近。

FF7Re最令人失望的是廠方把Tifa的衣服修改了, 因此Figure也跟著修改了, 但我發現原來Figure沒有減省材料, 有造胸部隱藏的部份, 於是我把它們重見天日!

最後是Aerith, 雖然她的並非Tifa般的身材, 但也不該如Figure 般幾乎平胸吧!
於是也把她修改了, 改善得更有曲線玲瓏的體態美。

發表於 21-10-2022 01:13:43 | 顯示全部樓層
Great work.
Would really love to see some 改造經歷相, and some explanation.
Thanks for sharing!

發表於 21-10-2022 22:39:50 | 顯示全部樓層
nice thx for sharing
 樓主| 發表於 23-10-2022 21:28:01 | 顯示全部樓層
kagaloo 發表於 21-10-2022 01:13 AM
Great work.
Would really love to see some 改造經歷相, and some explanation.
Thanks for sharing!

Here is my modification method details as below
1) Use a heat gun or hot water to soften the plastic of lower jaw.
2) When the plastic becomes soft, use two fingers to press both sides of jaw, then press up tightly as picture mentioned direction and running cool down by water.
*Please must be noted that the temperature of the heat air gun should not be too high, otherwise it will melt the plastic.
*If you don't have a heat gun or lacking confidence, switching to hot water is a safer method.
*If the modified result is not satisfactory, please repeat the heating attempt.
*There is a certain risk in the modification, please bear it by yourself.

1) 用熱風槍或熱水軟化下顎的塑膠。
2) 當塑膠變軟時,用兩隻手指按壓下顎兩側面,然後如圖所示用力向上壓,同時冲水冷卻。
發表於 24-10-2022 03:53:35 | 顯示全部樓層
我有諗過3D print 出黎再執, 但上色嗰part 搞唔掂, 放棄
 樓主| 發表於 24-10-2022 12:19:43 | 顯示全部樓層
mj23 發表於 24-10-2022 03:53 AM
我有諗過3D print 出黎再執, 但上色嗰part 搞唔掂, 放棄

頭雕上色絕對係figure最難處理的部份, 即使只係一點和一撇筆, 用色深淺/粗幼及力度等因素都足以令頭雕臉崩, 呢方面我都花咗唔少時間和成本去嘗試。
發表於 25-10-2022 03:02:53 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 kagaloo 於 30-10-2022 06:49 AM 編輯

It's only easy when someone else describes how they do it. But of course someone has put in countless 時間和成本 to achieve the results of today.
I had bad experience with using heat years ago.  Totally ruined the part.

At least this face lift is logical and understandable.
The chest area modification I'm still scratching my head.
Complete rebuilt?
 樓主| 發表於 29-10-2022 16:40:20 | 顯示全部樓層
kagaloo 發表於 25-10-2022 03:02 AM
It's only easy when someone else describes how they do it. But of course someone has put in countles ...

It's not completly rebuilt, just heat the pvc face to soften,  then pressing the face parts and cool it down only. The heat gun temperature about 150 degrees, keep watching while heating.
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