你算老幾? = How senior are you?
你係乜水? = What the water are you?
你邊度架? = Where are you come from?
你大我呀? = Do you big me?
你夠姜就放馬過來 = If you got enough ginger,let your horse come over here
你教我以後點出黎行呀? = You teach me how can I come out and walk in the future?
吹雞 = Blow chicken
班馬劈友 = Zebra chops people
做世界 = Do the world
大茶飯 = Big tea rice
你講乜鬼? = What the ghost are you talk?
原文章由 熱血廢人 於 3-12-2006 01:17 PM 發表
你算老幾? = How senior are you?
你係乜水? = What the water are you?
你邊度架? = Where are you come from?
你大我呀? = Do you big me?
你夠姜就放馬過來 = If you got enough ginger,let your ...
你係乜水? = What the water are you?
你夠姜就放馬過來 = If you got enough ginger,let your horse come over here