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[Hot Toys] WandaVision The Scarlet Witch / 紅女巫 1:6 珍藏人偶

發表於 9-3-2021 10:14:44 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
WandaVision - 1/6th scale The Scarlet Witch Collectible Figure

【全新頭雕配有雕髮造型的極像真紅女巫  淡紅色半透明手掌施展魔法魅力】
Hot Toys緊貼著Marvel電視頭炮緬懷處境喜劇《WandaVision》的結局發展,現推出極具人氣的《WandaVision》紅女巫和幻視1:6比例珍藏人偶!
Hot Toys 憑藉精益求精的比例細節,準確根據演員Elizabeth Olsen於《WandaVision》中飾演紅女巫的身型比例塑造高約28cm、擁有玲瓏身型的紅女巫專用素體,全身具有逾28個可動關節,可擺放各種靈活自然的姿勢造型,忠實呈現角色於電視劇中的各式作戰姿態。人偶配有一個全新雕製的極像真紅女巫頭雕,除了高度還原紅女巫的面部輪廓、鮮豔的紅唇妝容、具層次感的啡色捲曲長髮與額頭帶上緋紅色頭冠,細膩表現出角色於劇中所流露的凝重眼神與神髓,像真度入木三分外,雙眼於UV燈光照射下更可演繹紅女巫施展魔法時的造型。此外,Hot Toys 特別根據劇中的戲服設定,精心製作出全套帶有禮服觀感的緋紅色緊身戰衣,細膩逼真地於表層上飾有全新的滴膠細節和壓紋線條的露肩戰衣與長褲,腰間飾有長身的裙擺細節,更配有一件飾有仿魔法圖案的緋紅色帶帽斗篷 (可拆下),整體外型散發著更強的女人味與迷人魔力,盡顯紅女巫一角的原有個性及氣質。隨人偶除了附有一本黑暗神書和多對穿上緋紅色手套的造型手掌外,設計師更於紅女巫素體的手腕位置內置LED 亮燈功能,以配合上用作施展魔法的淡紅色半透明手掌以及淡紅色光束效果造型配件,足本打造紅女巫施展魔法魅力的動態。

預訂價:HK$ 1,690

 樓主| 發表於 9-3-2021 10:37:57 | 顯示全部樓層
WandaVision - 1/6th scale The Vision Collectible Figure

Hot Toys特別按角色比例塑造出高約31.5cm,擁有健碩身型的男性專用素體,全身逾30個可動關節,能擺出多款大幅度的姿勢。Hot Toys參照保羅比特尼 (Paul Bettany) 所飾演幻視一角的面形輪廓精雕細刻,雙眼透著銀藍光芒,金屬紫色的皮膚象徵著他同時擁有超自然的生化及機械本質,當然還有額頭上不可或缺的黃色心靈寶石。Hot Toys團隊以細緻無遺的剪裁技巧縫製出幻視的貼身戰服,配用上藍綠、紫紅及金色的奪目顏色,選用了具彈性與質感的布料剪裁縫製,並仔細以滴膠印上線條紋理,當戰衣緊貼於具肌肉感的人偶素體上,除了呈現出貼服流線的外觀外,當屈曲上身及擺放動作時,肌肉紋理可與緊身服同步連動及擠壓,進一步令本來已極像真的人偶,變得更有生命力。配合上一件以高質布料獨特裁剪而成的斗篷,以多重絲印技術將精細複雜的條紋圖案,讓電視劇造型被足本呈現到人偶身上。


發表於 9-3-2021 14:20:16 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 9-3-2021 14:42:21 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
Hot Toys 已經退化到要硬膠頭髪先掂。真悲哀。

套戲都播完啦,仲駛唔駛打格本 Darkhold 啊。
 樓主| 發表於 9-3-2021 15:20:00 | 顯示全部樓層

發表於 9-3-2021 22:11:48 | 顯示全部樓層
如果你整硬膠髮係因為發光眼(州長dx13咁)我就好明解同支持,但現在咁係hea 出⋯

發表於 10-3-2021 10:05:42 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 10-3-2021 17:32:22 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
bonbonman 發表於 10-3-2021 10:05 AM

如果植髮出來效果不好就用膠髮,但她這髮型,用植髮實在沒有什麼問題。好像 Alita, 為什麽用膠髮呢!
發表於 10-3-2021 17:53:53 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 10-3-2021 19:10:16 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 12-3-2021 07:23:57 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 13-3-2021 09:12:36 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
tinlunlau 發表於 12-3-2021 07:23 AM

買鑵白色噴油便可 XD
發表於 14-3-2021 14:30:15 | 顯示全部樓層
我會入2隻wanda , 一隻收藏一隻把玩!
發表於 16-3-2021 06:43:25 | 顯示全部樓層

WandaVision - 1/6th scale The Scarlet Witch Collectible Figure

【WandaVision - 1/6th scale The Scarlet Witch Collectible Figure】

“This is Chaos Magic, Wanda. And that makes you the Scarlet Witch.” – Agatha Harkness

Trying to get to the bottom of Wanda Maximoff’s powers, Agatha takes Wanda off on a trip down memory lane reliving the past memories. Forced to go along with Agatha’s plan, Wanda unleashes her abilities to protect her loved ones, meanwhile gains a greater understanding of the full extent of her considerable powers.

Inspired by WandaVision, Marvel Studios’ original series, Hot Toys is excited to officially introduce a stunning 1/6th scale collectible figure of The Scarlet Witch and her brand-new costume with impressive details from the series finale.

Beautifully crafted based on the appearance of Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch in WandaVision, the figure features a newly developed head sculpt with specially applied luminous reflective effect on eyes to emulate Scarlet Witch using her abilities, long curly sculpted hair and her signature headdress, a newly designed body equipped with LED light-up function on both sides of the forearms, detailed outfit including the hooded cape, specially created hands with red translucent fingertips, Darkhold book, power-using effect accessories, and a dynamic figure base for display.

Reserve space for The Scarlet Witch figure from WandaVision collection!

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發表於 16-3-2021 06:45:52 | 顯示全部樓層

WandaVision - 1/6th scale The Vision Collectible Figure

【WandaVision - 1/6th scale The Vision Collectible Figure】

Vision is aware of the full trauma Wanda experienced in Avengers: Infinity War, having killed him to prevent Thanos from getting the Mind Stone, but heartbroken and devastated to watch him sacrificed again after the warlord revised time.

Following the recent debut of The Scarlet Witch collectible figure, Hot Toys is excited to present another fan beloved super hero from WandaVision – Vision as 1/6th scale collectible figure to expand on your Avengers’ display.

Meticulously crafted based on the screen appearance of Vision in WandaVision series, the figure features an impressive head sculpt and the Mind Stone with stunning details reflecting the android’s mechanical features, a highly-poseable specialized body, skillfully tailored outfit with cape attached, several interchangeable hands, a specially designed figure stand and a themed backdrop to recreate the scene.

Don’t miss the chance to recruit this android figure to your WandaVision collection!

WandaVision - 1:6th scale The Vision Collectible Figure10.jpeg
WandaVision - 1:6th scale The Vision Collectible Figure9.jpeg
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WandaVision - 1:6th scale The Vision Collectible Figure2.jpeg
WandaVision - 1:6th scale The Vision Collectible Figure1.jpeg
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