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[玩具攝影] 看完有點餓... 罐頭豬 Lulu - 運動系列 Lulu The Piggy - Fitness Club

發表於 16-9-2020 11:44:16 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 16-9-2020 11:56 AM 編輯


品牌 Cici’s Story 的創辦人,Cici,就是那個為午餐肉罐頭裡的小豬們賦予生命的獨立手作師。

如果你有印象,這幾隻罐頭小豬在 2019 年初出現就引起了熱烈的迴響!可是你或許不知道的是,其實它們的名字叫「LULU」,是來自 100%午餐肉罐頭的小精靈!粉嫩的顏色,憨態可人的姿態,它們迫不及待要跟大家迎接豬年的到來,因此決心從鐵罐跑出來!


"Handcrafting is a kind of mood and an artistic conception. It is like endowing talents and life by hands to each piece of work, letting them to have their own thoughts and emotion, and to feel the most original look in their heart."

The founder of the brand "Cici’s Story", Cici, is the handcrafter who has given life to these little pigs in the can of SPAM.

Do you still remember about these little pigs in the can that had become the talk of the town at the beginning of 2019? But what you may not know is that they are called "LULU" and actually they are elves came from the can of SPAM!With pinky colors and silly gestures, they couldn’t wait to celebrate the Year of Pig with you so they ran out of the can!

Anybody would like to have a "taste" on it?

這次運動系列的造型更穿起小背心,讓大家深深感受到 Lulu 是可以動起來的﹐而且動起來的 lulu 也是可以賣萌的喔!
這個夏日 lulu 接受揮灑汗水的挑戰,拿起各式各樣的運動器材,就是為了給予大家不一樣的一面。這麼用心良苦的 lulu 豬,最後究竟能不能成為自己心目中的模樣呢?

Although Lulu can attract people by acting cute, he decide to work hard. To be able to eat more, Lulu is working out so hard! Are you ready to burn your fat with LuLu?
LuLu is getting serious this summer! By wearing a headband, he is shocked with his serious and motivated face. Follow the dynamic beats and moving-up on Friday together.

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