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[分享討論] 荒廢的RX-75 Guntank (太空坦克/鋼坦克)

發表於 29-5-2020 14:12:03 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 不動明 於 29-5-2020 02:18 PM 編輯

嘗試制作一組情景模型來紀念〈我們的2020〉 -  決定以一家四口去觀賞一台荒廢的RX-75 Guntank (太空坦克/鋼坦克)作題材 心想如果一台棄置已久的戰爭機器能作為市民的休閑景點 這一定是一個相當和平的時代

一個忙著拍攝家人的爸爸 一個照顧小孩的媽媽 一個在模仿機械人的頑皮小童 一個在媽媽懷抱中的寶寶 這就是我們這一家的寫照

祝願世界和平 祈求小孩們不用面對任何戰火動蕩


發表於 29-5-2020 14:41:21 | 顯示全部樓層
念起 zz gundam 第一集 捷度 攞左部甩皮甩骨既機出動 ...
發表於 29-5-2020 14:52:28 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 29-5-2020 20:10:12 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
Vince 發表於 29-5-2020 02:41 PM
念起 zz gundam 第一集 捷度 攞左部甩皮甩骨既機出動 ...

今次D戰損好重手 每一步都無得回頭 制作時都幾緊張
 樓主| 發表於 29-5-2020 20:11:30 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
robotkelvin 發表於 29-5-2020 02:52 PM

多謝 我自己比較滿意個鐵欄同斷手
發表於 31-5-2020 15:07:08 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ygat2005 於 31-5-2020 10:30 PM 編輯

nice weathering.

just gloss / semi gloss topcoat not match rusting effect.

you like weathering, try AFV, similar price, you could play camo too.:^, some of my weathering for your reference. :DD
also, apply washes, dry brush, etc effect softly since you can't redo if overdone. :36:



 樓主| 發表於 31-5-2020 19:55:48 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
ygat2005 發表於 31-5-2020 03:07 PM
nice weathering.

just gloss / semi gloss topcoat not match rusting effect.

Thank you! 橙色兵人整得好靚

我都覺得我個Guntank有D反光 其實我已經用消光 唔知點解影出來反光 可能噴太厚 或者影相時支燈太近

請問你做完舊化後 噴邊隻消光? thanks
發表於 31-5-2020 22:22:52 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ygat2005 於 31-5-2020 10:32 PM 編輯
不動明 發表於 31-5-2020 07:55 PM
Thank you! 橙色兵人整得好靚

我都覺得我個Guntank有D反光 其實我已經用消光 唔知點解影出來反光 可能噴 ...

spray matt topcot won't get reflective result, over spray only turn the model into white color.
your weathering is before or after mtt topcoat?

full post of that 橙色兵人 (Ma.K Raptor) for your further reference, i shared some steps to do weathering in there. ... tra=page%3D1&page=1
 樓主| 發表於 1-6-2020 12:58:09 | 顯示全部樓層
ygat2005 發表於 31-5-2020 10:22 PM
spray matt topcot won't get reflective result, over spray only turn the model into white color.
you ...

Thanks - Very helpful.

For the matt spray - in fact i applied the Mr Hobby Matt

the topcoat was applied after the weathering.


same as you, i spray Mr Hobby 's matt coating. code no on top of cap is B514:700.  發表於 2-6-2020 11:49 AM
spray after weathering won't get this reflective, maybe you haven't spray enough to cover the surface?  發表於 1-6-2020 03:01 PM
 樓主| 發表於 2-6-2020 14:09:45 | 顯示全部樓層
不動明 發表於 1-6-2020 12:58 PM
Thanks - Very helpful.

For the matt spray - in fact i applied the Mr Hobby Matt

Thanks ygat2005 - then it could be not enough. as i was using silver as base color...
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