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[玩具報告] 鋒利的小刀 - NECA Predator Series 18 - Machiko 野口真千子

發表於 27-11-2018 10:24:28 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 27-11-2018 10:47 AM 編輯

Machiko Noguchi (野口真千子)

Known as Da'dtou-di ("small knife") by the Yautja, was a Chigusa Corporation employee and the administrator in charge of the Prosperity Wells colony on Ryushi. She was the daughter of Akira and Keiko Noguchi. Machiko had only recently taken up her position on Ryushi when it was subjected to a devastating assault by a group of Yautja and the Xenomorphs they had unleashed on the planet. The incident led to the destruction of the colony and the death of several of its inhabitants.

Machiko survived the incident, in the process earning the respect of the Yautja known as "Broken Tusk", to the point where she was Blooded by him and went on to join his clan.

In AVP: Prey, Noguchi used a 12.5mm Smith revolver as her primary weapon. In AVP: War, Noguchi uses Predator weapons and armor, such as a Plasma Caster and Wrist Blades, as her primary weapons, in addition to other weapons. She also uses a customized Bio Mask and Predator Armor made for her by the Predators once she was accepted into their clans.


玩評和 Husk 差不多,同樣以價錢取勝。

NECA 的人偶可動性不會太高,但關節卻滿緊的,故沒有手軟腳軟的問題,只是可動性一般而已。

玩具本身質素很高!美玩來說外型上經已很不錯了。玩的時候亦沒有什麼顧忌,不過想平穩地讓他站著就要看看閣下的功夫了...... 另外它的外型及比例做得很好,裝甲、肌肉及紋理亦非常細緻;更可怕的是價錢!二百有找也有如比出色的表現。配件有佩鎗及右手一只,僅此而已,因此配件及 Gimmick 分數不高。不過前臂勾爪及雙刃矛可以分拆及面罩可以除下露出 Machiko 的樣子,算不錯的了!


著色方面很好,整體質素水準以上, QC 亦合格。二百元有這質素是不錯了!

D.M.S. 玩味指數 Play Scoring

外型 Look (40) 31
可動性 Articulation and Poseable (20) 12
配件及可玩性 Accessories and Gimmick (20) 15
品質管制 QC (10) 6
價錢 Price (10) 8

總分 Total Score:72分

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發表於 27-11-2018 15:41:29 | 顯示全部樓層
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