Hello. 在下係土生香港人。設計咗一系列以懷舊電腦為主題的figures. 玩具都不經不過面世咗差不多二年 (16年toysoul 展出prototype)。同呢度嘅師兄一樣我自小都係一個玩具迷。能生產自己嘅玩具可謂夢想成真。都算好彩, so far 消量不錯。
不過在下比較專注做網上消售去外國市場。香港消售網反而未做得好好。目前只在皆旺地庫Toystation 有賣Classicbot 系列。(我係one man band ,設計,傾消售,寄貨一腳踢好多嘢未兼顧到)
明日開始我會在Toys Collector Martket 展出,有興趣的師兄可來幫趁下。個show 係荔枝角D2 Place One 19-21日
最後有仲會係會場開訂新產品iBot G3
最後我希望可以係Toysdaily 多啲同大家交流下。
haha I am a short guy. a bit fat. I do wear glasses. Yes I used a real computer to modify for a display model. Keep in touch for iBot, I don't know the order venue in Hong Kong yet. Sorry cannot tell you much about the name change for legal reasons. But I think in long term it is good, I can do more than computer designs.
Thanks so much for your support.