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[活動展覽] 【匠鬼之怒.Demon Craft Solo Show】47's Trailer 預告

發表於 10-6-2018 19:23:33 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
【匠鬼之怒.Demon Craft Solo Show】47's Trailer 預告

" 快來支持台灣搪膠品牌 & 香港本地玩具廠牌 TOYZERO+!!!!!! "記得做好《三部曲》!!!!!!Remember To Do “ 3 “ Step!忘れない《三部曲》!1.) 訂閱! Subscribe!2.) 讚好! Like!3.) 分享! Share!YA~YA~YA~==========聯絡 & 訪問 & 合作策劃==========Instagram: caspar_waiFaceBook: Caspar WaiYoutube: Caspar Wai 嘉士伯E-mail: casparwaiwaiwai@gmail.comDemonCraft (TaiWan) Information:[color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))][color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))][color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))] (Hong Kong) Information:[color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))][color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))][color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))] & Vinyl Club-膠易廣場 (Hong Kong) Information: [color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))][color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))][color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))] summer, Scotty Wang Scotty.W.Toys is going to bring everyone to his “Demon World”...a story when the Demon Craft BEGINS! TOY0+ is pleased to work with +Artist Scotty, and finally given our fans the SOLO SHOW of Demon Craft in Hong Kong!The first time ever, Scotty will taken us to his journey of Demon Craft creation, by exhibiting numbers of his private art-pieces and story background, there are also collaboration with more than 25 designers of ONE-OFF Sofubi and EXCLUSIVE items available during the show.“DEMON CRAFT SOLO SHOW” will be held from 9th-15th at Vintage Vinyl Club. Come with us to feel the Power of “Demon”, see you on 9th June (SAT)!DEMON CRAFT SOLO SHOWDate: 9th - 15th June 2018Venue: Vintage & Vinyl Club 膠易廣場VIP Section: 6 - 9:30PM (8th June)**LOTTERY Section of “Demon Craft The Destroyer” will be at 3PM(9th June), lottery tags will be given at 12PM**今年夏天,Scotty Wang將帶領我們走向惡魔世界,見証「匠鬼」入魔之路。。。TOY0+很高興與Scotty長期合作,終於帶給香港粉絲首個屬於匠鬼的個人展覽 - 「匠鬼之怒」!Scotty將分享他的「匠鬼」創作世界,並有史以來展示大量私人藝術作品以及故事背景。除此之外,我們更與超過25位設計師合作,將多款ONE-OFF作品帶到現場,當然不少現場獨家產品發售。「匠鬼之怒」匠鬼個人展,將於6月9至15日在Vintage Vinyl Club舉行,齊來和我們一同感受匠鬼的「魔」力!「匠鬼之怒」 - 匠鬼個人展覽展覽日期: 6月9-15日展覽地點: Vintage Vinyl Club 膠易廣場VIP時段: 6 - [color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))]9:30PM(6月8日)(“匠鬼殲滅者”於6月9日12時正發籌號,同日下午3時現場進行抽選。)喜歡這影片的話,歡迎大家分享出去 & LIKE!If like this Video, welcome to share my Video & LIKE !この映画のような場合は、私のビデオ&LIKE共有するために歓迎!如果大家想留意【玩具日記】的最新動向歡迎大家訂閱我的Youtube頻道!If you want to pay attention to 【Toys Diary】any news,Welcome to subscribe to my Youtube channel!あなたは【おもちゃ日記】任意のニュースに注意を払うようにしたい場合は、私のYouTubeチャンネルにサブスクライブへようこそ!【玩具日記】Facebook 專頁:【Toys Diary】Facebook Page:[color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))]《鬼忍堂》Facebook 專頁:《Oni Ninja Hall》Facebook Page:[color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-icon-active-button-link))]【玩具日記】@《鬼忍堂》@甲虫少年

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