發表於 1-3-2009 09:02:47
Harmony Grace!!
Hello! It's been a long time since my last post.
Actually I kinda gave up collecting shinki, but now I'm back :43:
My motivation is the white ninja :52: (I've already asked a friend to order for me ^ ^)
Btw, any bigbig know where can I buy black ninja?
When I came back to HK during Christmas, I couldn't find Harmony Grace, which was my main target.
I was really amazed by the popularity of shinki (and depressed since I couldn't make her part of my collection)
Today I went to a Chinese shopping arcade in Markham
By chance I walked into a toys store and there she is.... HARMONY GRACE :61:

(my cell only has 200 mega pixels...)
Looking forward to getting white ninja in March :73: |