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[出售] 雞年 Transformers 無位大清貨

發表於 25-1-2017 08:59:52 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 Prime1031 於 28-1-2017 08:31 AM 編輯


01 Smokescreen $250 (85%新,長期display, 有說明書, 齊件) -- ON HOLD

06 Tracks $250 (85%新,長期display, 有說明書, 齊件)

Titanium Optimus Prime x2 (War Within + RID) $200 (不散賣) -- ON HOLD
80%新,長期display, 有少花, War within花得較多 (這條line QC 本身好一般)

Movie Leader class Starscream $150 (electronics work) -- SOLD

Movie Leader class Megatron $150 (electronics work) -- SOLD

Movie Leader class Sentinel Prime $150 (electronics work) -- SOLD

Beast Wars Transmetal 2 Optimal Optimus & Megatron $200 (不散賣) -- SOLD
Electronics for Optimal Optimus does NOT work anymore. All 4 missiles included (i.e. 齊件)
Megatron is missing his missiles.

Generations Bruticus $150
(Swindle 扣位 broken, but doesn't impact transformation/combination)

Energon Megatron $150 -- SOLD

GalaxyForce Starscream $100 -- ON HOLD

 樓主| 發表於 25-1-2017 09:01:33 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Prime1031 於 28-1-2017 08:30 AM 編輯

以下免費 --- 任何光顧可選一件, 先到先得
Movie Voyager Ironhide (FREE) --- GONE

Generations Megatron (FREE) -- GONE

發表於 25-1-2017 11:37:27 | 顯示全部樓層
要leader sentinel 送voyger ironhide
發表於 25-1-2017 12:15:36 | 顯示全部樓層
要leader starscream, leader megatron, Beast War 2隻, energon megatron
 樓主| 發表於 26-1-2017 07:57:27 | 顯示全部樓層

Thank you for your interests. Will PM each of you to schedule pick-up times.
Your items have been updated as "ON HOLD".
發表於 27-1-2017 21:00:33 | 顯示全部樓層
please hold 01 Smokescreen $250, GalaxyForce Starscream $100 and Titanium Optimus Prime x2 (War Within + RID) $200 and check PM, Thanks
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