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[分享討論] 大家討論下Suicide Squad 到底好唔好睇??? (小劇通)

發表於 4-8-2016 23:41:35 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 gumng 於 4-8-2016 11:50 PM 編輯

成套戲似奸人版AVENGERS, 接著BVS故事,黑婆等同NICK FURY,四圍搵奸人入局,當然DEADSHOT & Harley Quinn係主線,但位位奸角都算有交代歷, BATMAN同JOKER只係穿插出現幾分鐘,仲有似係FLASH出場5秒,尾場打鬥場面唔夠精彩,不過仍然收貨!!
(利申:個人不是DC FANS,亦不熟識DC故事,但好喜歡 BVS)

發表於 5-8-2016 00:20:45 | 顯示全部樓層
個人認為Joker唔應該咁care Harley Quinn.....應該投閒置散 唔理佢
 樓主| 發表於 5-8-2016 00:37:13 | 顯示全部樓層
shoi1228 發表於 5-8-2016 12:20 AM
個人認為Joker唔應該咁care Harley Quinn.....應該投閒置散 唔理佢

原著Harley Quinn只係被JOKER利用嗎????

ANYWAYS, 新Joker比相像中好, 完全同THE DARK KNIGHT果個唔同癲法!!
發表於 5-8-2016 01:54:08 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 icyhugs 於 5-8-2016 01:58 AM 編輯

I watched the movie yesterday in Taipei. Half of the audience left puzzled while I had mixed feelings. Pls note that we have very few US comics readers in Taiwan. There isn't a superhero comics shop here at all. I highly doubt if the Taiwanese read the DC and Marvel comics through apps? So, I found those who left puzzled r mainly the superheroes movies fans. What they had in mind was the Christian Bale Batman trilogy. Some did not watch BVS, which includes me. I have been reading superheroes comics since mid 90s.  But I rarely buy any nowadays as fed up with too frequent reboots, mega crossovers and heroes vs heroes ( I think the villains r unemployed XD)
The movie is ok, some nice characters moments here and there. However, I do agree the bond among the characters was rushed, too rushed. Why the fire guy did the ultimate sacrifice was not developed. Blame it on the editing.
I liked Harley but I thought she may be DCCU's Deadpool with some crazy break the 4th wall humour, sorry, nope. The Joker? MMmmm.... looking good, a little bit hot (those abs?) but well, his presence isn't strong enough. Boy, the Joker was a main spotlight here in Taiwan... Anyway, I would like to see him going head to head against Ben's Batman. And man... Ben as Batman IS SUPER HOT!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought Christian Bale's Bruce is very sexy already, Ben set the bar even higher (pls note I still have not watched BVS)And Amanda Waller... well, I thought I am watching HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER, oops, HOW TO GET AWAY W WORLD DISASTER ;) I liked the actress and the character is very much the sam from the 90s Batman and JLU cartoons :) She's super manipulative and crazily cruel on one hand, and super tactic minded like Batman.
As for the jokes, the audience had a few laughs. Well, a few, I thought there should be lot more? But at least a nice start, not the never ending brooding Batsy and unhappy, unappreciated Clark. However, I have to say I expected more fun!
DC Comics deserves better.
發表於 5-8-2016 01:55:44 | 顯示全部樓層
gumng 發表於 5-8-2016 12:37 AM
原著Harley Quinn只係被JOKER利用嗎????

ANYWAYS, 新Joker比相像中好, 完全同THE DARK KNIGHT果個唔 ...

Yup. Harley was created in Batman TAS. Yup, she was a cartoon original that grew so big among fans and got adopted into the comics :) She was abused and used by the Joker so badly in the cartoon.
發表於 5-8-2016 05:32:48 | 顯示全部樓層
I would only give the movie a 6 out of 10, plot is poorly written and very disappointed
發表於 5-8-2016 07:57:20 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 5-8-2016 08:44:38 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 keishu 於 5-8-2016 08:47 AM 編輯
icyhugs 發表於 5-8-2016 01:54 AM
I watched the movie yesterday in Taipei. Half of the audience left puzzled while I had mixed feeling ...

Basically agree with you. The plot doesn't make too much sense and feel odd at times. Those bad guys just didn't have real reasons to continue their mission (except deadshot) and their bonding felt rushed and forced. Just why would they care about each other? Especially why would they care about the captain solider guy? And why on earth could that bitch lady reappeared at the end without even a dirt on her suit and with a perfect haircut.....she was crash landed and caught by a bunch of monsters .....

I guess the problem is similar to those of BVS but to a lower degree...
Too many new characters packed into a movie with a weak plot. With so many things to handle and explain, the inevitable large scale editing made the plot development even weaker than it already was...

However, as a fans of Batman, it still worth watching...

發表於 5-8-2016 09:09:29 | 顯示全部樓層
只要受歡迎, 有班粉絲支持, 壞人即時變好人, 還單飛出書做主:75:腳.
呢點 我真係接受不了.:o
所以我未必入場睇SS. :38:
發表於 5-8-2016 09:18:42 | 顯示全部樓層
gumng 發表於 5-8-2016 12:37 AM
原著Harley Quinn只係被JOKER利用嗎????

ANYWAYS, 新Joker比相像中好, 完全同THE DARK KNIGHT果個唔 ...

THE DARK KNIGHT果個係演員安自己想法演,唔跟原著


同埋唔知係唔係因為Harley Quinn有自己電影, joker點令佢改變無點交代
發表於 5-8-2016 09:32:40 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 5-8-2016 10:47:09 | 顯示全部樓層
shoi1228 發表於 5-8-2016 09:18 AM
THE DARK KNIGHT果個係演員安自己想法演,唔跟原著

新Joker係比相像中好,但係ss就唔係好重要,只係鋪路 ...

發表於 5-8-2016 11:53:29 | 顯示全部樓層
mushroom 發表於 5-8-2016 10:47 AM

起碼講Joker點係心理治療個時 點樣洗hq腦
發表於 5-8-2016 15:20:42 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 5-8-2016 17:55:10 | 顯示全部樓層
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