
樓主 |
發表於 20-7-2016 09:18:57
Sideshow新品預告:忍者神龜 - 米開朗基羅 拉斐爾 雕像 & 蝙蝠俠 - 貝恩
Bane Premium Format Figure
With his intelligence and uber-steroid serum known as Venom always at the ready, this villain has been one of the Batman’s most memorable foes.
The Bane Premium Format™ Figure from Sideshow is coming soon for Gotham City and DC Comic fans, so come back soon for more updates!

Coming Soon to Sideshow Collectibles
Michelangelo Statue
The pizza loving, wisecracking, nunchaku wielding Michelangelo is the next hero in a half shell to join Sideshow’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Statue line! Plus,
remember to Pre-Order the Leonardo Statue, the first TMNT piece to be released on Pre-Order!

Sideshow新品預告:拉斐爾 雕像 & 胡椒 高級人形
Raphael Statue
Our final hero in a half shell is coming to Sideshow! The sai-wielding, red bandana wearing, short tempered turtle Raphael will complete the line-up of our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Statues that started with Michelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo.

Pepper Premium Format Figure
Sideshow and artist Stanley Lau are pleased to present the Pepper Premium Format™ Figure, coming soon to Sideshow. Check back later for more updates!

thx Dick.Po:77: