本帖最後由 孫行者 於 12-6-2016 02:00 AM 編輯
Batman Begins marks its 10th anniversary this year, and we’re commemorating the occasion with an impressive new 1/4 scale action figure based on Christian Bale’s portrayal of the Dark Knight.
Batman stands over 18″ tall and features an authorized likeness, a soft fabric cape and movie-accurate detail (like the hidden compartment in his boot heel that stores a sonar signaling device). The figure is loaded with accessories, including grapnel gun, large hinged Batarang, small Batarang, open and closed mines, sonar communicator and two pairs of hands.
A must-have for fans of director Christopher Nolan’s gritty Dark Knight trilogy! Window box packaging.


聽官方講哩隻BEGINS係NECA 1/4系列入面首款採用新關節設計,應該6月中有貨~
上面段英文字有提及到NECA拎o左Christian Bale肖像權!
仲有果塊蝙蝠召喚器可以裝係BATMAN鞋底 |