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[新聞] 聯合國委員會點名促港府回應七警 關注警使用催淚彈

發表於 12-6-2015 10:25:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 hk小文 於 12-6-2015 12:11 PM 編輯

聯合國禁止酷刑委員會將今年年底,審議包括香港、澳門及內地實施《禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰公約》的情。委員會最近要求港府回應佔領運動中警方被指使用過度武力包括使用催淚彈的情;委員會亦特別點名公民黨成員曾健超,關注他示威期間被7 名警員毆打一事、警方是否已立案調查。委員會同時要求港府回應,雨傘運動期間有多少人被捕,有多少涉及酷刑等的投訴,以及其跟進行動。報告內容節錄Please comment on reports of police attacks and excessive use of force by police against peaceful protestors, including the use of pepper spray, water cannons, batons and tear gas, as was the case during protests between September and December 2014, what became known as the “umbrella movement”. In this context, please indicate if an investigation was opened with regard to the alleged beatings of Mr Ken Tsang by several police officers in the Admiralty protest zone on 15 October 2014.Please also inform the Committee on the number of persons that were arrested during the “umbrella movement”, the length of their detention, whether they had access to a lawyer and the number of complaints about torture and ill-treatment. Have any investigations on the above mentioned events been conducted and any disciplinary and/or criminal proceedings opened? If substantiated, have the perpetrators been punished?報告內容明報引述政制及內地事務局發言人表示,中央政府已將《公約》中有關香港部分的問題清單轉交予特區政府處理,並正擬備有關回應,適當時候將透過中央政府向聯合國禁止酷刑委員會提交。

689: 柒警事件已交由律政司處理, 而律政司研究了六個月後,亦已交由外國大律師處理, 外國大律師就外判俾香港律師行處理, 份文件而家茶水部阿姐處理緊, 等委員會通研究要俾邊個處理, 而個委員會就等緊立法會成立小組, 研究通唔通過撥款成立委員會......
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