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[玩具報告] 鋼鐵人的最強裝甲? - Bleeding Edge Armor

發表於 16-1-2015 18:09:18 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 26-1-2015 12:31 PM 編輯

Bleeding Edge Armor

This armor made Iron Man the most poweful hero in the world. It can go toe to toe with Thor and savagely beat an amped Ulik, Red Hulk , Wonder Man. Its power source has been described as a man made star.This entire armor is kept inside Tony's body until mentally commanded, at which point it manifests itself as the Iron Man Armor. The armor is made up of Nano-Machines that can now be commanded to turn into any type of structure upon Stark's skin. For example, the Nano-machines can turn into clothes, other armors, or even different beings completely, by having the Nano-machines change their properties into whatever Stark wants them to be. It can also dissociate to transform into the Iron Man armor whenever Stark wishes. The armor and Stark's own transhuman body are powered by the high-yield R.T. node mounted in his chest. The high output of the node has greatly augmented Stark's intelligence and provided him with superhuman-level multitasking and learning capabilities. The previous armor , Extremis armor , was enough to defeat The Sentry , who was at the time the most powerful superhero in the world, and the Bleeding Edge armor was much more powerful than the Extremis armor so that implies that Tony can easily defeat the sentry while in the Bleeding edge armor which makes him far more superior than any of his enemies. The known weaponry includes repulsors, uni-beam, pulse bolts, tasers, and an energy blade. Defenses include deflector shields. Other type of weapons and upgrades seems to be created by Stark's imagination, such as a boxing glove, large guns extending from his arms, or cannons.

The suit's repulsors, which are located around the knuckles, chest, back and legs of the armor, as well as in the traditional palms, now function also as cameras, or "eyeballs", which afford Stark a 360-degree panoramic view around himself.Temporarily replacing the suit's primary composite - iron/platinum - with carbon nanotubes rendered it unaffectable by Magneto's powers when he and Iron Man engaged in combat over Utopia.

Source:  Wikipedia

其實這原是 D.M.S. 2014 年 10 大 Best Buy 之一...... 因當時心情太差的關係沒有好好寵幸她,現在也不算太遲吧!


優點來了,首先它的外型及比例是做得很好,只是站立已經霸氣盡露。最讚的當然是他的可動性了!故事中任何師氣的姿勢亦很容易擺出,可玩性亦相對很高,佩件多及忠實地表達出鋼鐵人的活躍場面!連動式關節早在杰夫提時經已見識過,今次 Bleeding Edge Armor 只是再玩得盡一點罷了!

著色方面亦十分細緻,各部上色準確,全身的金屬色塗裝非常奪目,令整體的格調高了一個班次。不過,玩的時候小心一點,避免刮花...... 另鋼鐵人內置燈效看來已經成為必須的了。

我那只的是 QC 只是一般。頭部有小小花痕。希望往後的作品如 Z.O.E., 超獸機神及宇宙魔龍會保持這個高水準吧!

希望千值練日後會繼續 ReEdit 這系列吧!下一只 Extremus 及 War Machine......

最後希望千值練繼續帶多些高質素的玩具給各玩家!特別是 SF3D 系列......... 阿門......

D.M.S. 玩味指數

外型 (40) 36
關節及可動性 (20) 16
佩件及 Gimmick (20) 16
品質管制/QC (10) 6
價錢 (10) 6


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呢隻真係好正, 不過價好高同埋D配件好少, 好歹你都整多幾個ettect part
不過可動性又好過HT好多, 心大心細中...
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80/100 ............ {:1_215:}

Highest score ever !
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No light on both hands?
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本帖最後由 facetry 於 27-1-2015 04:30 AM 編輯

第一次見到CHING 噤高分 !!!!! :time:
不過呢隻, 真係物超所值 ! 無噤既價錢, 無噤既質素啦 !!!
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