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樓主: snoopy123

[個人收藏] 又敗了

發表於 18-2-2014 12:21:36 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 15# Vaio

part of his modular buildings are illegal (mainland china) edition...:53:
發表於 7-3-2014 14:23:22 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 7-3-2014 17:20:31 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 17# 0bf9638

好難話高唔高追,我兩年倒前買12XX左右,而家因為係retire product,所以15xx , 16xx, 17xx 咁上,其實都係供求問題,因為就斷所以多人買,因為多人買所以貴,須然貴但大家又驚好似以前𠴱兩set咁吵到飛天,又湧去買. 惡性循環。其實好多時我唔買又後悔,買咗又因為見d價又升唔捨得折嚟玩,愈貴就愈唔捨得開,結果變成買個盒番屋企擺,真係無奈。覺得俾玩具玩而並不是玩玩具。純綷個人意見,見諒。
發表於 8-3-2014 01:54:13 | 顯示全部樓層
I think it all depends how much do it like it,  for lego,  even you opened and built,  the value will go down,  but still maintained the price pretty well.  i doubt it can go to the level like cafe corner or even Green grocer since it stay on the market much longer

also there should more available on the market as people bought a few as investment!  Cafe Corner and Green Grocer only available about two years.  Fire Brigade spend almost 5 years on the shelves!

回復  0bf9638

好難話高唔高追,我兩年倒前買12XX左右,而家因為係retire product,所以15xx , 16xx, 17 ...
snoopy123 發表於 7-3-2014 02:20 AM
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