
Tony Stark is usually surrounded by cool holographic displays so I decided to add several more, including the Mark 6 & 7 projections from the Malibu Mansion set.
Can't forget about the booze on the table! (Demon in a Bottle)

Main floor: Mk. 1, Mk. 2, Mk.7, Mk.5, Mk.6

Top row: Stealth Artillery Suit, Silver Centurion Mk. 2, Deep Space Suit, Enhanced Reactor suit, Prototype Stealth suit
Bottom row: Hot Rod Red (I wondered how all red would look haha), Deep Sea Hydro suit, Long Distance suit, Silver Centurion retro-inspired suit, Hyper Velocity suit

Top row: War Machine 2.0 prototype suit, Prometheum-armor inspired suit, War Machine Heavy Duty, Godkiller armor, Bleeding Edge armor

Tony's work area

Top row: "Bones", War Machine, Mk. 42 prototype, Mk. 42, Iron Patriot
Bottom row: Radiation-zone suit, Super Stealth suit, "Shotgun", "Gemini", "Heartbreaker"

I decided to expose only the top-half of the HulkBuster Mk. 2 (World War Hulk version)
I think it looks better surrounded by the walkway & repair bay
Inspiration picture:

Evolution & progress pictures:

Alot of paint mixing!

Makeshift drying rig for helmets and face masks

Thanks for looking! |