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[詢問] 請問 NECA ED-209 出左未?

發表於 7-1-2014 17:12:08 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 58# jeffloh

    No offence jeffloh bro.

Its all good here. Im not saying 420 is a high price in comparison to the official recommended/suggested retail price which is infact a good deal if you compare it this way. Though this way of comparing is pretty redundant, since the official price is really mainly for the US. If I was to compare 420 in HK only though, its way too much compared to what I preordered at 360. This principle applies to any products in HK and abroad.

Thats like saying prices for Hot Toys after release, everyone locally knows there is no need to pay for 'Fried' prices if they preordered early. Ive been to many forums from overseas and many of them prefer travelling to HK to buy their HT because 'FRIED' prices here are still cheaper than what they would have paid for back at their home country.  

As for Mcfarlane and NECA toys, we in HK sometimes pay more than our US friends, thats just my two cents. The only thing evil are bad service, selling fake as original, packaging used as new, and blatantly ripping us off with high prices. Generally if its give or take 20hkds, then thats fine, but 60hkd difference is abit too high for NECA
發表於 7-1-2014 17:56:31 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  jeffloh

    No offence jeffloh bro.

Its all good here. Im not saying 420 is a high p ...
Chockles 發表於 7-1-2014 05:12 PM

No offense taken~ I am just saying we HK people are lucky in terms of buying toys~

Like I said, It's a free city, the shop owners have the rights to sell whatever they think people will still pay for. And if people don't buy from them they will eventually lower the price to attract people. So it's nothing about good or evil but just pure buy and sell~ If so, buy a bottle of coke in 7-11 is $9.2, but only $7.5 in a small store, it's 20% higher but I won't consider 7-11 is evil, as I can buy from them almost everywhere when I like, no need to go to that shop in particular etc.

It's a really good price to pre-order at your price~ I always think that pre-ordering stuff is like gambling. Sometimes the market price might be lower than your pre-order price, or higher in some cases. So if I pre-order something, the only thing I really care is to make sure I can have it when it is released, instead of having the lowest possible price~
發表於 7-1-2014 18:19:14 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 62# jeffloh

    Agree with you about HK being lucky on toys. We are lucky on alot of things too. Consoles games and consoles are cheap as well in general. Two of my favourite hobbies, though it still adds up more and more on costs. lol

Supply and demand is what we both agree on for sure, but knowing I can get better service and cheaper price elsewhere, I know where my wallet will go. Unless I had no choice or I want the product right now, then I will forgo those prices and pay up. I just will never agree on paying for a product just so the sellers can justify their prices. This will just make the market worser for us customers.

I agree about the preordering thing, its a catch 22 situation. You never know what you get or when you get it, but for me, if i really like that product it dont matter too much about the wait and at least from a good seller, they will mark down the price after release. Everyone has their own reasons and choices but for this topic, imo 420 is still high across the board in HK. :) Lets just get back to ED209 and enjoy our toys. lol
發表於 7-1-2014 18:23:14 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 58# jeffloh

btw SRP is 59.99 according to BBTS ... 213&mode=retail
發表於 7-1-2014 18:32:35 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 64# Assassin

    Poor US friends. NECA is a US product, but most of the times I know we in HK get Neca toys earlier than US thanks to us being so close to China haha. Something which I cannot complain about for once :)

Just saw the posted ED209 on FB, the box is huge and the figure is too. Cant wait to activate the sound effects on that thing. haha Please call me Big M!!!
發表於 7-1-2014 23:34:34 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 8-1-2014 00:13:57 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  jeffloh

btw SRP is 59.99 according to BBTS
Assassin 發表於 7-1-2014 06:23 PM

please, look carefully: BBTS "our price" is US$59.99 but list price is US$69.99
發表於 8-1-2014 10:49:20 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 losite 於 8-1-2014 10:52 AM 編輯
The suggested retail price of ED-209 is US$69.99, in theory it should be HK$546, so HK$420 is consid ...
jeffloh 發表於 7-1-2014 04:26 PM

    歐美國家通常有17.5 附加稅, 減返大約4百幾, 香港進口玩具免稅真係好正!
出左, 等 米嘈老鼠 CALL {:1_238:}
發表於 8-1-2014 11:13:24 | 顯示全部樓層
原罪 發表於 28-12-2013 12:37 AM

發表於 8-1-2014 11:22:40 | 顯示全部樓層
歐美國家通常有17.5 附加稅, 減返大約4百幾, 香港進口玩具免稅真係好正!
出左, 等 米嘈老鼠 CAL ...
losite 發表於 8-1-2014 10:49 AM

其實我一開始用USD價計係因為M記佢好多figure, statue都係用美元轉返為HKD咁來賣, 好似DCC figure 係US$24.95, M記就賣HK$200 (當8算咁計), 所以用美元價作參考都好合理~
當然M記近排賣平o左, 我地玩家就最開心啦~
發表於 8-1-2014 11:25:32 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 68# losite

重要對比返兩國入息水平, 可能人哋搵多我哋好多呢 :79:
發表於 8-1-2014 11:30:24 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  losite

重要對比返兩國入息水平, 可能人哋搵多我哋好多呢
Assassin 發表於 8-1-2014 11:25 AM

發表於 8-1-2014 11:44:59 | 顯示全部樓層
BTW: 好似越講越遠咁~ XD (入息同交稅關玩具定價咩事?? 洗唔洗睇埋GDP? XD XD XD XD)
發表於 8-1-2014 12:36:49 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 72# mushroom

trade off嚟
發表於 8-1-2014 12:38:24 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 73# jeffloh

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