發表於 7-1-2014 17:56:31
回復 jeffloh
No offence jeffloh bro.
Its all good here. Im not saying 420 is a high p ...
Chockles 發表於 7-1-2014 05:12 PM 
No offense taken~ I am just saying we HK people are lucky in terms of buying toys~
Like I said, It's a free city, the shop owners have the rights to sell whatever they think people will still pay for. And if people don't buy from them they will eventually lower the price to attract people. So it's nothing about good or evil but just pure buy and sell~ If so, buy a bottle of coke in 7-11 is $9.2, but only $7.5 in a small store, it's 20% higher but I won't consider 7-11 is evil, as I can buy from them almost everywhere when I like, no need to go to that shop in particular etc.
It's a really good price to pre-order at your price~ I always think that pre-ordering stuff is like gambling. Sometimes the market price might be lower than your pre-order price, or higher in some cases. So if I pre-order something, the only thing I really care is to make sure I can have it when it is released, instead of having the lowest possible price~ |