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[分享討論] 電影 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

發表於 17-2-2016 09:52:55 | 顯示全部樓層
其實漫畫入面, BATMAN好似對其他超人都未輸過...
發表於 17-2-2016 11:10:02 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 17-2-2016 12:12:46 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
jeffloh 發表於 17-2-2016 11:10 AM

其實咁重,batman 點托得起個拳套
發表於 17-2-2016 12:52:46 | 顯示全部樓層
pHil 發表於 17-2-2016 12:12 PM
其實咁重,batman 點托得起個拳套

發表於 17-2-2016 14:58:41 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 pHil 於 17-2-2016 03:00 PM 編輯
jeffloh 發表於 17-2-2016 12:52 PM

Flight - The ability to naturally defy and operate independently of gravity and propel himself through the air at will.

Originally, he only had the power to jump great distances, as stated by the 1940s Superman cartoons ("Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound"). Has ranged from simply being able to jump great distances using his vast strength, to beginning in late 1941 being able to accelerate, float in midair, change direction while traveling.

Later he became able to traverse interstellar distances without stopping.

Lex Luthor once theorized that Superman had to stem from a gigantic planet with enormous gravity, where his species had developed natural anti-gravity organs to be able to function; on Earth, this would allow him to control his own gravimetric field in order to fly.

The floating glove scene in man of steel proves the fact kryptonian can manipulate gravity. Also, from the main Superman Wiki article:

When making the cartoons, the Fleischer Brothers found it difficult to keep animating him leaping and requested to DC to change his ability to flying; this was an especially convenient concept for short films, which would have otherwise had to waste precious running time moving earthbound Clark Kent from place to place. Writers gradually increased his powers to larger extents during the Silver Age, in which Superman could fly to other worlds and galaxies and even across universes with relative ease.

Now, to address your "he is supercharged by our sun's solar energy or something like that." comment, Wiki says:

The source of Superman's powers has changed subtly over the course of his history.

It was originally stated that Superman's abilities derived from his Kryptonian heritage, which made him eons more evolved than humans. This was soon amended, with the source for the powers now based upon the establishment of Krypton's gravity as having been stronger than that of the Earth.

發表於 17-2-2016 15:27:02 | 顯示全部樓層
pHil 發表於 17-2-2016 02:58 PM
Flight - The ability to naturally defy and operate independently of gravity and propel himself t ...

you mean this also applies to movie version superman as well??

As you can see from below video, batman can fight owlman on a planet without wearing any oxygen mask. But I don't think it can apply to the movie version....

back to your question: as you can see there are some circuit boards-kind of stuff undernneth the suit, so I am pretty sure it works similar to  iron man's suit which the frames/ actuators can help batman to move freely in general and avoid being slow down by the weight of the suit. At the end of the day, Bruce is good at designing gadgets and it's kind of stupid that he make something that he cannot use freely.

發表於 17-2-2016 21:37:17 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
jeffloh 發表於 17-2-2016 03:27 PM
you mean this also applies to movie version superman as well??

As you can see from below video, ...

Thank you for your information! I was think about there having no device connecting the glove and the shouder but if Bruce has some sort of technology hiding inside the normal suit so that he has the strength to hold the glove, problem solved! Lol
發表於 18-2-2016 23:21:46 | 顯示全部樓層

發表於 19-2-2016 01:01:57 | 顯示全部樓層
ChrisLamXYZ 發表於 18-2-2016 11:21 PM


今日深水埗精x見呢隻大膠,仲有wonder woman....唔使四魚,做門神都唔錯:73:
發表於 19-2-2016 11:10:03 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 19-2-2016 12:27:08 | 顯示全部樓層
jeffloh 發表於 17-2-2016 03:27 PM
you mean this also applies to movie version superman as well??

As you can see from below video, ...

發表於 19-2-2016 14:49:09 | 顯示全部樓層
Mcfarlane 發表於 19-2-2016 12:27 PM

其中一個我好喜歡的故事, 有興趣可以買隻DVD睇~
發表於 21-2-2016 09:11:09 | 顯示全部樓層

發表於 21-2-2016 09:23:03 | 顯示全部樓層
jeffloh 發表於 17-2-2016 03:27 PM
you mean this also applies to movie version superman as well??

As you can see from below video, ...

發表於 22-2-2016 11:02:28 | 顯示全部樓層

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