發表於 4-5-2007 12:08:22
原文章由 小悟空 於 4-5-2007 09:37 AM 發表
我睇過少少, 不過睇完反而無咁鍾意沙薩比 ...... 早知唔睇,
有個女仔性格好惡劣, 渣的一架好大部的機體係唔係叫阿索龍 ? 女仔叫咩 ?
點解高達入面 d 大機體都係女人渣 ? 同埋性格又好乞人憎, seed 又係抄之前重高達,
以前魔霸邊個渣 ? 渣重高達 o既係唔係叫 科 ? 性格如何 ?
1. Alpha 阿索龍 - Pilot - Quess Paraya
2. Cause Quess have a large potential of NT ability. Her NT ability is greater than Char!
3. Bym-Zam - Dozle Zabi and others
4. Yes! Four is the pilot of MK-I :) Her mental situration is not stable because she is not a natural born NT............... :die: |